聂琳,曹依静,孙昂,赵红亮,卢航,刘利民.晚熟苹果新品种 ‘福美’在黄河故道地区引种表现及栽培技术[J].中国果业信息,2024,41(5):
晚熟苹果新品种 ‘福美’在黄河故道地区引种表现及栽培技术
Introduction Performance and Cultivation Techniques of A New LateRipening Apple Variety‘Fumei’in the Old Yellow River Course Region
投稿时间:2024-03-06  修订日期:2024-03-21
中文关键词:  黄河故道地区;苹果;品种;福美;引种表现;栽培技术
英文关键词:Yellow Old Yellow River Course Region; Apple; Variety; Fumei; Introduction Performance; Cultivation Techniques
聂琳 商丘市农林科学院 nielin07y@163.com 
曹依静 商丘市农林科学院 nielin07y@163.com 
孙昂 商丘市农林科学院 nielin07y@163.com 
赵红亮 商丘市农林科学院 nielin07@163.com 
卢航 商丘市农林科学院 nielin07@1633.com 
刘利民* 商丘市农林科学院 nielin07@163.com 
摘要点击次数: 252
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      ‘福美’苹果是青岛农业大学培育的晚熟新品种,由新世界和粉红女士为亲本杂交育成。2020年获得国家非主要农作物品种登记。2019年国家苹果产业技术体系商丘综合试验站引入,在黄河古道地区栽培。该品种单果重263.6g,果实成熟时着色浓红色,果实硬、脆,汁液丰富,酸甜可口,可溶性固形物含量15.83%,可滴定酸含量为0.35%,去皮硬度9.31kg/cm2,风味浓郁, 耐贮藏,果实品质上等;抗病性强,综合性状优,适合做黄河故道地区优良新品种栽培推广,市场经济发展前景较好。
      ‘Fumei ’apple is a late maturing new variety of cultivated by Qingdao Agricultural University, which was crossbred with New World and Pink Lady as parents. ‘Fumei’ obtained national registration for nonmajor crop varieties in 2020.It was introduced by National Apple Industry Technology System Shangqiu Comprehensive Experimental Station in 2019, and cultivated in the Old Yellow River Course Region. This variety has a single fruit weight of 263.6g, and when the fruit is ripe, it has a thick red color. The "Fumei " fruit is hard and brittle, juicy and sweet-sour. The soluble solid content is 15.83%, the titratable acid content is 0.32%, and the peeling hardness is 9.31kg/cm2. The fruit has a strong flavor, storable stability and excellent quality; It has strong resistance to disease, excellent comprehensive characters, and suitable for cultivation and promotion as excellent new apple varieties in the Old Yellow River Course Region, with good market economic development prospects.
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