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Correlation between Soil pH and the Contents of Available Nutrients in Selected Soils from Mango Orchards in Panxi
投稿时间:2011-05-10  修订日期:2011-05-30
中文关键词:  攀西 芒果园 土壤pH 有效养分 相关性
英文关键词:Panxi, Mango orchard, Soil pH, Available nutrients, Correlation
基金项目:国家现代农业产业技术体系四川攀西特色水果创新团队项目; 攀枝花市芒果测土配方施肥技术研究项目
甲卡拉铁* 攀枝花市农林科学研究院 
摘要点击次数: 2567
全文下载次数: 208
      Soil samples (42) were collected in Panxi mango orchards to evaluate the correlation between soil pH and available nutrients. Results revealed that the mango orchards soil pH range were 4.8~8.4, neutral and acidic soils accounted for 76.2%. The contents of soil organic matter, available nitrogen, zinc and exchangeable calcium were serious lack, available copper and boron were low, available potassium was middle level, available phosphorus, sulfur, iron, manganese and exchangeable magnesium were rich. There were significant correlation between soil pH and most of available nutrients. The soil pH value showed a high significant negative correlation with the contents of soil organic matter, available nitrogen, potassium, copper, zinc, iron and manganese, and a high significant positive correlation with available sulfur, exchangeable calcium, and no correlation with available phosphorus, boron and molybdenum. Aim at soil pH and available nutrients, 3 kinds regression analysis were done and a conclusion was draw that it accorded with power function between soil pH and organic matter, linear function between soil pH and available nitrogen, zinc, sulfur, exponential function between soil pH and available potassium, copper, iron, manganese, and quadratic function between soil pH and exchangeable magnesium. Conclusively, the nutrients were relative balance in neutral and weak acid soils, and were imbalance in over acidic and alkaline soils. The results further suggested that in over acidic soil of orchard, use of lime and ca-mg fertilizers should be done, but use of lime and alkaline fertilizers should be avoided in alkaline soil.
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