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Influence of bud management on production in Actinidia chinensis var. deliciosa ‘Jinkui’
投稿时间:2012-05-14  修订日期:2012-06-07
中文关键词:  冬芽管理,定量修剪,成花,抽梢,产量
英文关键词:Bud Management, Quantitative Pruning, Flowering, Shooting, Yield
基金项目:国家国际合作项目(200DFA31050); 国家农业科技成果转化资金项目(2010GB2C500226)
严玉平* 江西省山江湖开发治理委员会办公室 
陈葵 江西省山江湖开发治理委员会办公室 
鄢帮有 江西省山江湖开发治理委员会办公室 
冷建华 江西省奉新县农业局 
涂贵庆 江西省奉新县农业局 
李帮明 江西省奉新县农业局 
摘要点击次数: 2437
全文下载次数: 353
      冬芽管理是猕猴桃树体管理的重要技术环节。适宜的高质量冬芽保留,可较准确预测果实数量,提高果实大小一致性。本研究在江西省猕猴桃主栽区奉新县的赤岸镇山口果园,以10年生“金魁”猕猴桃为研究对象,研究冬芽保留数量对果实生产的影响。试验设置4个处理,每个处理以贝为单位(bay, 四根水泥柱围成的面积,18 m2),每处理冬芽保留量处理1约为400个、处理2约为450个、处理3约为500个、处理4约为550个,每处理3次重复。结果表明:1)4个处理的冬芽保留量不影响新梢萌发量;2)处理1成花量显著大于其他处理;处理1和2,花芽/冬芽显著大于处理3和4;3)单位新梢上成花量,处理2显著大于其他3个处理;4)4个处理中,挂果量和产量没有显著差异,冬芽保留处理1的果实更大,更均匀,小果和超大果比例更小,即单位面积能生产出更多符合市场需求的优质商品果。综合分析,在试验区立地条件和现有管理水平下,冬芽保留量在约450个,有利于提高猕猴桃种植者的经济效益。
      Bud management is at the core of maximizing kiwifruit production. Researches indicate that each bud has the potential, in perfect growing conditions, to produce far more flowers and also bigger fruits from individual flowers. Fewer high quality buds from one year to the next will contribute to management. Because a limited number of buds means less material in the canopy, and less working hours to maintain it. Careful cane selection and accurate bud counting can generate specific flower numbers, which will turn into the targeted fruit numbers per bay. The paper assesses specific bud number targets for Actinidia chinensis var. deliciosa ‘Jinkui’ in Fengxin, the main kiwifruit production area of Jiangxi Province. The experiment analyzes the performance of four different bud densities 400, 450, 500, 550 buds per bay (18 m-2), respectively. The study shows four major results: 1) the amount of buds does not influence the number of shoots, when the canopy per bay keeps the buds in the range from 400 to 550; 2) the trial of 450 buds generates more flowers than the other three trials, and the number of flowers per bud in the trials with 400 and 450 buds are significantly higher compared to 500 and 550 buds; 3) every shoot in the trial with 450 buds generates most flowers. 4) four trials bear the same number of fruits. The trial with 450 buds performed best: over 90% of the fruits meet market demand in terms of the fruits’ size and uniformity. Thus, the study suggests that the targeted number of 450 buds remained per bay is able to accurately predict fruit numbers; furthermore it increases the growers’ capability producing the required number of uniformed fruits to maximize income from their orchards.
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