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Analysis and evaluation on nutritional status in soil and citrus leaf of Newhall orange orchard in Fuchuan of Guangxi
投稿时间:2012-07-06  修订日期:2012-08-23
中文关键词:  柑桔园  营养状况  土壤  纽荷尔脐橙
英文关键词:citrus orchards  nutritional status  soil  Newhall orange orchard
曾林芳 中国农业科学柑桔研究所 
陈爱华 中国农业科学柑桔研究所 
王成秋 中国农业科学柑桔研究所 
焦必宁* 中国农业科学柑桔研究所 
摘要点击次数: 2395
全文下载次数: 7
      The nutritional composition of soil samples and leaf samples from 60 Newhall orange orchards In Fuchuan of Guangxi were detected and analyzed. The results showed that surveyed Newhall orange orchards soil pH was acidic, the contents of soil organic matter, available K, available Zn, exchangeable Ca were higher; the contents of available nitrogen, available P, available Fe and available Cu were medium, the contents of exchangeable Mg、available Mn and available B were generally low. The contents of P、K、Fe in most of the citrus leaves were in the high level ,while appropriate in other citrus leaves , generally, the content of Cu、Zn was lower. Newhall orange orchard soil pH and the content of soil exchangeable Mg showed highly significant positive correlation, and available K was highly significant negative correlation, the content of soil organic matter and available Zn was highly significant positive correlation. The content of soil exchangeable Ca and leaf total Ca was in significant positive correlation, the content of soil exchangeable Mg and leaf total Mg was also in significant positive correlation, and the content of both soil exchangeable Ca and Mg were highly significant negative correlation with the content of leaf total Mn. The soil acidity and the effective content of soil nutrient elements had important infuluence on the tree in the absorption of nutritional elements and nutrient levels of the tree, the fertilization amount of nitrogen、phosphorus and potassium fertilizer in each orchard was extremely uneven, and most of the orchards potassium fertilizer was excessive. The study will significancely guide scientific fertilization and adjustment of nutrition in Fuchuan county Newhall navel orange orchard.
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