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Studies on the Effect of AMF on Growth and Uptake of N and P of Container SeedLings of Poncirus trifoliate ( Poncirus trif oliata ) Rootstocks Species in Different Substrates
投稿时间:2013-03-29  修订日期:2013-04-15
中文关键词:  丛枝菌根    基质  容器苗
英文关键词:AMF  Poncirus trifoliate  substrate  container seedlings
王丹* 西南科技大学生命科学与工程学院 
李新雷 西南科技大学生命科学与工程学院 
郭梦露 西南科技大学生命科学与工程学院 
黄仁华 西南科技大学生命科学与工程学院 
张猛 西南科技大学生命科学与工程学院 
摘要点击次数: 2298
全文下载次数: 2481
      为促进AM真菌在柑桔砧木容器苗生产中的高效应用,本研究以枳砧为供试植物,选取腐叶土、麦糠和菌渣为主要栽培基质,以摩西球囊霉(Glomus mosseae)、地表球囊霉(Glomus versiforme)、地球囊霉(Glomus geosporum)和透光球囊霉(Glomus diaphanum)为供试菌种,采用容器育苗方法,研究了7种丛枝菌根真菌及其组合处理在三种基质下对枳砧木容器苗生长及其氮、磷吸收的影响,以筛选出适合枳砧木苗生长的菌根种类及基质组合。试验结果表明自然接种的侵染率不超过40%,而人工接种的侵染率可高达80%;混合接种的侵染率显著高于单一接种;枳砧木苗以地表球囊霉(GV)接种和腐叶土或麦糠组合侵染率为最高,侵染率分别为80.7%和78.7%;以GV接种和麦糠组合促生效果最为显著,其菌根依赖性达到342.4%,生物量比对照高出278%;该组合促进植株氮素吸收效果也最为显著,其吸氮总量比对照高482%,而以GV接种和腐叶土组合促进枳砧苗磷素吸收效果最为显著,其吸磷总量比对照高466%。适合枳砧容器苗生长的最佳AM真菌和基质组合是GV和麦糠。
      In order to make use of dominant species of AMF on container seedlings of citrus rootstocks production, and screen out the the combination of AMF species and substrates suitable for the growth of trifoliate orange rootstocks. container seedlings of Poncirus trifoliate rootstocks inoculated with four AMF (Glomus mosseae 、 G. versiforme、 G. geosporum and G diaphanum ) and their eight combination treatments were grown in pots with three substrates (humus soil,bran and fungus residue) in greenhouse to study the effects of AMF and substrates on the growth and uptake of N and P of seedlings. The result showed that infection rate of spontaneous inoculation was lower than 40% and the infection rate of artificial inoculation was able to the highest 80%. The infection rate of mixed inoculation was higher than the single inoculation. The highest infection rate occurred when Poncirus trifoliate were inoculated with GV(Glomus versiforme)in the humus or bran, the highest infection to Poncirus trifoliate was 80.7% and 78.7% ,respectively. The combination of GV and bran was the most effective on growth of Poncirus trifoliate seedlings with increasing biomass by 278% than CK and mycorrhizal dependency reaching 342.4%. The combination of GV and bran was the most effective on uptake of N of Poncirus trifoliate seedlings with increasing total N uptake by 482% than CK,and the combination of GV and humus soil was the most effective on uptake of P with increasing total P uptake by 466% than CK. The combination of GV and bran was the most effective on growth of container seedlings of Poncirus trifoliate.
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