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Meteorological characters related to the frozen disaster of citrus industry in Yichang and the behavior difference of variant citrus cultivar in or after freeze injury
投稿时间:2013-10-16  修订日期:2014-01-02
中文关键词:  柑橘  冻害  抗寒性  灾害性天气
英文关键词:citrus  freeze injury  cold resistance  severe weather
陈世林* 宜昌市夷陵区特产技术推广中心 
摘要点击次数: 2483
全文下载次数: 151
      【OBJECTIVE】 The global warm up trend does'nt smoother up potential threaten of frozen disaster to citrus crops, which was evidenced by several times freeze injury happened in2008, 2011 and 2012. This paper is to enhance our knowledges about the Meteorological characters related to the frozen injuries and accumulate the past experience against the natural disaster in happened in Yichang, the important northern place for citrus industry in China. 【METHOD】Statistical analysis was made to compare the lowest temperature, freeze duration and the citrus planting area being frozen in the history of the past five decades, as well as investigation was made to the variance of alternative varieties behaviored in freeze injury. 【RESULTS】 The analysis showed the historical freeze injuries were all happened during 5th-31th January. The severe damage was correlated to the lowest temperature and its last time. Different citrus species and varieties showed variant hardness to freeze injury. Satsuma orange showed the highest resistance to freeze injury, followed by Penggan, sweet orange, pumelo and citrus hybids. The orchard far from Yangzhi River displayed more severe in freeze injury, and the citrus plants on the north slope of the hillside damaged more than those in the south part. After freeze injury, the different citrus varieties showed distinction in recover from the freeze damage. Sweet orange and pumelo showed more vigorous and strong ability in recover the injury, while Penggan need 2 to 3 years in recovering from freeze injury. The Satsuma orange not only have strong hardness to cold temperature but also quick renew from damage. 【CONCLUSION】In northern part of place for citrus industry, threaten of frozen disaster will not be smoothered up with the trend of global warming. Carefull designation, adaptive varieties in fitting place are crucially important for sustainable citrus production.
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