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Effects of UV-B radiation on the cold storage of Feizixiao litchi fruits
投稿时间:2013-11-11  修订日期:2013-11-22
中文关键词:  UV-B辐射  荔枝果实  冷藏效果
英文关键词:UV-B radiation  Litchi fruits  Effects of cold storage
周开兵* 海南大学园艺园林学院 
柯亚丽 海南大学园艺园林学院 
薛淑惠 海南大学园艺园林学院 
夏娟 海南大学园艺园林学院 
摘要点击次数: 2807
全文下载次数: 180
       试验用85 μW/cm2 的UV-B辐照3h、6h、9h和12h等4个处理水平,研究UV-B辐照处理对荔枝果实冷藏效果的影响。结果表明:除12h处理外,其余处理的好果率均高于对照的,其中以6h处理的效果最佳;所有处理均能抑制果实重量损失,其中以3h和6h处理的效果最佳;6h和9h处理的果皮褐变指数与对照的差异不显著,而呈现低于另两个处理的趋势;全部处理均能抑制果肉可溶性糖含量降低,以6h处理的抑制效果最佳;不同处理与对照的果肉总酸含量和果实可食率均无显著差异;3h和6h处理能抑制果肉糖酸比下降,9h和12h处理则呈现加剧果肉糖酸比下降的趋势;除9h处理外,其余处理均能抑制果肉Vc含量下降;3h和6h处理能抑制果实出汁率下降,9h和12h处理在15d后则促进果实出汁率下降。
      In order to explore the effects of UV-B radiation on the cold storage of Sanyuehong litchi (Litchi Chinensis Sonn. cv. Sanyuehong) fruits, the differences among the cold storage effects of the full mature fruits radiated in UV-B radiation (85μW/cm2) for different periods were compared in this paper. The check (CK) was the fruits radiated for 0h, and the treatments were the fruits radiated for 4 periods including 3h, 6h, 9h and 12h. The results were the following. The good fruit rate of all treatments but the treatment 12h were higher than that of CK,and the performance of the treatment 6h was the best. All treatments could inhibit the loss of fruits weight, and the effects of the treatments 3h and 6h were the best. The differences of the browning indexes among CK and the treatments 6h and 9h were not significant, and those of the treatments 6h and 9h were lower than those of the other two treatments. All treatments could inhibit the reduction of the total of sugar in flesh, and the effect of the treatment 6h was the best. The differences of the total of acid in flesh and the edible rate of fruits among all treatments and CK were not significant. The treatments 3h and 6h could inhibit the redction of the ratio of sugar/acid in flesh ,and the other two treatments were to the contrary. All treatments but the treatment 9h could inhibit the reduction of the contents of Vc in flesh. The treatments 3h and 6h could inhibit the reduction of the juice rates, and the other two treatments promoted the reduction of juice rates after 15 days. In gerenal, the fruits radiated in UV-B radiation for 6h was well and efficient.
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