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The Rule of growth and developmentalof in-season Musa acuminata L.AAA Cavendish. cv. Formosana
投稿时间:2015-01-13  修订日期:2015-02-03
英文关键词:in-season, Musa acuminata L.AAA Cavendish. cv. Formosana, fruit, growth and development, law
黄丽娜 中国热带农业科学院热带作物品种资源研究所 
魏守兴* 中国热带农业科学院热带作物品种资源研究所 
谢子四 中国热带农业科学院热带作物品种资源研究所 
赵增贤 中国热带农业科学院热带作物品种资源研究所 
张欣 中国热带农业科学院环境与植物保护研究所 
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      以抗香蕉枯萎病品种宝岛蕉为对象,结合反季节栽培技术,在断蕾后每隔20天采集果实样品直至收获,测定每梳的果指性状、产量及其构成,探讨反季节宝岛蕉果实生长发育规律,为宝岛蕉生产提供参考。结果表明,宝岛蕉果实留8梳,果穗果指数平均为149.3个,且每梳果指数呈现逐渐减少的趋势,第一梳果指数最高,平均为26.3个;每梳果指长、果指围和单果重均随着生长期逐渐增加,断蕾后20天至40天增幅均表现最大,平均分别为34.22%、18.28%、106.54%。宝岛蕉同一采收期果梳间相邻果梳间果指长无显著差异,但是每相隔一梳的两梳果指长有明显差异,果指围间差异甚微。就产量而言,反季节宝岛蕉产量为18.491 kg/株,进一步分析可知,香蕉果梳产量从第一梳到第八梳呈现降低趋势,其中第一梳香蕉产量最高,第二梳次之,均显著高于其他果梳,分别高达3.371kg/梳和2.521kg/梳,前四梳产量占单株果实产量的62.40%。综合以上结果,反季节宝岛蕉断蕾后20天至40天是反季节宝岛蕉果实快速、关键生长的阶段,应注重营养供应以确保宝岛蕉产量。
      The study was objected on Musa acuminata L.AAA Cavendish. cv. Formosana, combined with in-season cultivation techniques. The fruit samples were collected in every 20 days after bud break until the harvest, the characters of fruit fingers, yield and its components were measured in each comb, to explore the in-season fruit growth and development of Musa acuminata L.AAA Cavendish. cv. Formosana and provide the reference for the production of Musa acuminata L.AAA Cavendish. cv. Formosana. The results showed the Musa acuminata L.AAA Cavendish. cv. Formosana fruit had 8 combs, and fruit fingers was 149.3 averagely, and the fruit fingers of each comb fruit index showed a decreasing trend, and that of the first comb was the highest, an average of 26.3. The fruit length, fruit circus and fruit weight of each comb increased with growth respectively, and the rate of increase of those were the biggest in the days of between 20 days and 40 days after bud break respectively, with an average growth rate of 34.22%, 18.28%, 106.54%. There was no significant difference between fruit lengths of neighboring comb in the same harvest time, but there were significant that of combs separated by two combs, and there were a little difference of fruit circus of each comb. Allowed for the yield of its components, the yield of off-season Musa acuminata L.AAA Cavendish. cv. Formosana banana was 18.491 kg / strains. The yield of banana fruit comb showing a decreasing trend from the first to the eighth comb. The first comb had the highest production, followed by the second comb, which were significantly higher than other fruit comb, were as high as 3.371kg/comb and 2.521kg/comb respectively. Based on the results aboved, the period of 20-40 days after Musa acuminata L.AAA Cavendish. cv. Formosana banana bud is a rapid, key growth stage of the fruit growth, and the supply of nutrients should be focused on to ensure the yield of banana.
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