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Characteristics of Phosphorus and Potassium Input of the Typical Peach Orchard and its Effects on Fruit Quality in Taihu Lake Basin, China
投稿时间:2015-04-07  修订日期:2015-04-29
中文关键词:  桃园      养分投入  桃果品质
英文关键词:peach orchard  phosphorus  potassium  nutrient input  peach fruit quality
基金项目:农业部农业环境重点实验室开放基金; 江苏省农业科技自主创新资金项目
郭智* 江苏省农业科学院农业资源与环境研究所 
周炜 江苏省农业科学院农业资源与环境研究所 
陈留根 江苏省农业科学院农业资源与环境研究所 
郑建初 江苏省农业科学院 
摘要点击次数: 2261
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      以12年生晚湖景桃树为供试材料,通过2012~2014连续两年大田小区定位试验,研究了太湖流域典型水蜜桃园磷、钾养分周年投入特征及其对桃果品质的影响。结果表明,太湖流域水蜜桃园养分投入高,周年纯养分投入量达213.00~290.70 kg P2O5•hm-2和299.40~357.90 kg K2O•hm-2。磷钾养分主要通过复合肥等无机肥带入,占其总养分投入比例分别达37.46%~67.29%和35.77%~67.18%,且基肥投入养分量占周年桃园养分投入总量的35.50%~48.24%和39.56%~44.59%。农户习惯性施肥条件下,水蜜桃桃果可溶性固形物、可滴定酸、维生素C平均含量分别达14.02%、0.37%和6.47 mg•100g-1 FW。较农户习惯性施肥处理而言,减量施肥处理显著降低桃果可溶性固形物、维生素C含量及桃果固酸比,而对桃果微量元素含量未有显著影响。同时,沼液施用处理对桃果品质的影响未达显著水平。
      With the 12-year-old late-maturing peach cultivar “Hujing” as investigation object, field plot experiments were carried out (2012~2014) to study the characteristics of phosphorus and potassium input of the typical peach orchard and its effects on fruit quality in Taihu lake basin, China. The results showed that intensive fertilizer application and high nutrients input were found, the quantity of nutrients input was as following: phosphorus (P) 213.00~290.70 kg P2O5•hm-2, and potassium (K) 299.40~357.90 kg K2O•hm-2 in the typical peach orchard during the whole peach growing period, respectively. In which, P, K nutrients input were mainly contributed from the inorganic/ chemical fertilizer (compound fertilizer, etc.) application, the ratios to total P, K nutrients input reached to 37.46%~67.29% and 35.77%~67.18%, respectively. Furthermore, P, K nutrients applied for the base fertilizer were accounted for 35.50%~48.24% and 39.56%~44.59% of the total input of nutrients in the typical peach orchard during the whole peach growing period. Under conventional fertilization conditions (T1, the plots applied with original amount of organic and/ or inorganic fertilizer as in conventional fertilization practice), the average contents of soluble solid, titrable acid, and vitamin C reached 14.02%, 0.37%, and 6.47 mg•100g-1 FW. Compared with T1 treatment, T2 (the plots applied with about 70% of organic and/ or inorganic fertilizer application as in conventional fertilization practice, but the micro-nutrient fertilizer application remained as T1 treatment) significantly reduced the contents of soluble solid, Vitamin C, and the ratio of soluble solid and titrable acid. However, T2 treatment had no significant effect on the micro-mineral elements (B, Ca, Fe, Mg, Mn, Si, Zn) content of the peach fruit. And, no significant difference were found on the peach quality between T3 (the plots applied with part amount of biogas slurry for the additional fertilizer, other fertilization practice remained as T1 treatment) and T1 treatment.
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