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A Study of the Relationship Between Anthocyanin Accumulate and Related Genes Expression of ‘Jersey’ Blueberry
投稿时间:2015-08-19  修订日期:2015-10-26
中文关键词:  越橘  花青苷  基因表达  套袋
英文关键词:blueberry  anthocyanin  gene expression  bag treatment
宋杨 中国农业科学院果树研究所 
刘红弟 中国农业科学院果树研究所 
张红军* 中国农业科学院果树研究所 
窦连登 中国农业科学院果树研究所 
摘要点击次数: 2309
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      以越橘品种‘泽西’果皮为试材,通过对花后7个时期花青苷含量的测定和花青苷合成途径中部分关键基因的克隆和表达,研究果实发育过程中果实着色及花青苷含量与这些基因的关系。果实发育不同时期果皮中花青苷含量的测定结果显示,套袋与对照果实在果实发育前期(花后20-40 d),果皮中没有检测到花青苷含量;对照果实进入转色期(花后50 d)到果实成熟期(花后80 d),花青苷相对含量从10.87 U?g-1增加到389.11 U?g-1,呈持续升高的趋势,在花后80天达到最大值。套袋果实在花后50 d,果皮中花青苷含量为4.06 U?g-1,随着果实成熟,在花后80 d花青苷相对含量增加到374.21 U?g-1。套袋试验结果显示,套袋与对照的日均光照强度和果实表面温度均呈先升高后下降的变化趋势,套袋内的日均光照强度和果实表面温度均较对照显著降低。花青苷合成关键基因的表达分析结果显示,套袋与对照果实在整个果实发育期,VcCHS和VcF3H的相对表达量呈先下降后升高的趋势;VcDFR、VcANS和VcMYB呈先下降后升高,之后又下降的趋势;VcANR和VcLAR的表达量在果实发育初期均表现为下降趋势,果实进入转色期后,未能检测到其表达;UFGT的表达量在果实发育初期未能检测到,随着果实进入转色期,其表达量迅速升高。套袋果实果皮中,在果实不同发育阶段,VcF3H、VcDFR和VcUFGT等5个基因的表达受套袋影响呈上调或下调表达。
      The relationship between the content of anthocyanin and relative expression of anthocyanin biosynthesis genes were researched in the pericarp of ‘Jersey’ blueberry during the pigment formation stage. Bagging removal promoted anthocyanin accumulation and by up-regulating or down-regulating the expression of genes involved anthocyanin biosythesis during the pigment formation stage.The pericarp of ‘Jersey’ blueberry were used as materials for measured the content of anthocyanin and genes involved in the anthocyanin synthesis pathway during the fruits development stages.The content of anthocyanin was not dectected in the early fruit development (20-40 DAF) in the bagged and control fruits. The content of anthocyanin was increased during the pigment formation stage. The bagging experiment results indicated that the content of anthoyanin of control fruits was higher than it of bagged fruits. The light intensity and temperature trends of bagged and control fruits increased at first and then decreased in daytime. Both average light intensity and temperature in bags were lower than control during the experiment. The relative expression of CHS and F3H was found up-regulating and then down-regulating in the whole fruit development. The similarly trend of relative expression was found in DFR, ANS and MYB. The relative expression of ANR and LAR was decreased in the early fruit development, but there was no detected during the pigment formation stage. Similarly, the relative expression UFGT was not founded in the early fruit development. The expression of UFGT was increased during the pigment formation stage. The relative expression of genes involved anthocyanin synthesis of bagged fruits were lower in 50 DAF. The relative expression of CHS, F3H and UFGT were increased from 60 DAF to 80 DAF, but DFR, ANS and MYB show decreased in 80 DAF. The relative expression of VcF3H, VcDFR and VcUFGT etc. were regulated by bagging treatment during fruits development.
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