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The changes of ‘Ponkan’ mandarin(Citrus reticulata Blanco) fruit quality with tree age and its relationships to leaf, soil nutrient concentrations
投稿时间:2015-11-16  修订日期:2015-11-16
中文关键词:  椪柑  树龄  果实品质  叶片  土壤  养分
英文关键词:Ponkan  tree age  fruit quality  Leaf  Soil  Nutrient concentrations.
冷虹 华中农业大学 
谭启玲 华中农业大学 
胡承孝* 华中农业大学 
摘要点击次数: 2509
全文下载次数: 54
      研究选择树龄依次为5、8、13和18年椪柑(Citrus reticulate Blanco ?Poncirus trifoliate)为对象,测定、分析椪柑果实品质及叶片养分含量、对应的土壤养分性状,旨在揭示椪柑果实品质随树龄的变化及其与叶片-土壤养分关系。结果表明,5至8年树龄椪柑果实单果重大且果形偏扁;13年树龄椪柑果实单果重小且果形偏圆;18年树龄椪柑果实单果重大且果形偏扁,果实可溶性固形物含量(10.72%)低,可滴定酸含量(1.02%)高,固酸比(10.70)低。随着树龄延长,叶片N和P含量先降低后升高,Zn含量先升高后降低,K、Mg和Mn含量上升,Ca和B含量下降。椪柑果实可溶性固形物与叶片Ca/K、Ca/Mg、Ca/Mn、Ca/(K Mg)、Ca/(Mn+Fe)、Zn/(Mn+Fe)呈显著正相关;可滴定酸含量与叶片Ca/K、Ca/Mn、Ca/(K Mg)呈显著负相关。结果显示,较长树龄椪柑果实可溶性固形物含量低、可滴定酸含量高与叶片低Ca、Zn含量和高K、Mg、Mn含量有关。
      The tree-age-related changes in fruit quality, leaf nutrient concentrations of Ponkan mandarin and soil pH, organic matter and nutrient concentrations in Ponkan mandarin orchards were investigated to uncover the relationships between Ponkan mandarin (Citrus reticulata Blanco) fruit quality deterioration and leaf, soil nutrient concentration. The results showed that fruit of 5 to 8-year-old Ponkan mandarin trees was large (162.25g) and elliptical; Fruit of 13-year-old Ponkan mandarin trees was small and circular; Fruit of 18-year-old Ponkan mandarin trees was large (160.98g) and elliptical, with lower soluble solids concentrations (SS) (10.72%), higher titratable acidity (TA) (1.02%) and lower ratio of soluble solids and titratable acidity (SS/TA) (10.70) than for other planting-year trees. Leaf N and P concentrations decreased initially and then subsequently increased but oppositely Zn concentration increased and then decreased with the increasing of tree age; Leaf K, Mg and Mn concentrations had the growing trend but Ca and B concentrations had the decreasing trend with tree age increasing; Positive relationships were observed between fruit SS and ratios of Ca and K concentrations, ratios of Ca and Mg concentrations, ratios of Ca and Mn concentrations, ratios of leaf Ca and sum of leaf K and Mg concentrations, ratios of leaf Ca and sum of leaf Mn and Fe concentrations, and ratios of leaf Zn and sum of leaf Mn and Fe concentrations while negative relationships were observed between TA and ratios of Ca and K concentrations, ratios of Ca and Mn concentrations, and ratios of leaf Ca and sum of leaf K and Mg concentrations. Large and elliptical fruits of 5 to 8-year-old and 18-year-old Ponkan mandarin trees might be related to higher leaf N but lower leaf Zn; 18-year-old mandarin trees Ponkan fruits with lower soluble solids and high acidity might be related to lower leaf Ca, Zn and higher leaf K, Mg, Mn.
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