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马艳粉,田先娇,胥 勇,肖春.几种物质对火龙果园内桔小实蝇的诱集效果[J].中国南方果树,2017,46(2):
Trap Effect of Different Materials on Bactrocera dorsalies in Hylocereus undatus Orchard
投稿时间:2016-05-15  修订日期:2016-06-07
中文关键词:  火龙果  桔小实蝇  诱集
英文关键词:Hylocereus undatus  Bactrocera dorsalies  trap
马艳粉* 德宏师范高等专科学校 
田先娇 德宏师范高等专科学校 
胥 勇 云南省德宏州种子管理站 
肖春 云南农业大学植物保护学院 
摘要点击次数: 1940
全文下载次数: 2289
      摘 要 筛选火龙果园内对桔小实蝇诱集效果较好的诱剂,本文利用诱集法在火龙果园内分别测定了系列质量分数(2.5%, 5.0%, 10%, 20%, 40%, w/w)糖溶液、(6.25%, 12.5%, 25%, 50%, 100%, w/w)醋溶液、(6.25%, 12.5%, 25%, 50%, 100%, w/w)酒溶液单一成分的的诱虫效果;比较了不同质量分数的二元混配溶液糖醋液(糖:醋:水=10%:12.5%:77.5%,(w/w),SV1; 糖:醋:水=20%:12.5%:67.5%(w/w),SV2; 糖:醋:水=10%:25%:65%(w/w),SV3; 糖:醋:水=20%:25%:55%(w/w),SV4)和醋酒液(醋:酒:水=12.5%:12.5%:75% (w/w),VA1)的诱虫效果;在此基础上比较了黄板(YSTs)、甲基丁香酚(ME)、诱饵(BA)、糖醋酒液(糖:醋:酒:水=10%:12.5%:12.5%:65%(w/w),SVA)和甲基丁香酚+糖醋酒液(ME+SVA)的诱虫效果。结果表明:10%和20%的糖溶液诱集效果好于其它质量分数的糖溶液;12.5%和25%的醋溶液好于其它质量分数的醋溶液;12.5%的酒溶液是其最佳使用浓度;SV1在5种二元混配溶液中对桔小实蝇诱集效果最好;ME只能诱集雄成虫,ME和ME+SVA诱集的桔小实蝇雄成虫好于其他处理,BA、SVA和ME+SVA诱雌效果好于其他处理,ME+SVA诱集成虫总量显著高于其他处理。ME+SVA在火龙果园内对桔小实蝇的诱集最好。
      Abstract The purpose of this article was to choose out effective trap bait for Bactrocera dorsalies in Pitaya orchard. Sugar solution at different concentrations (2.5%, 5.0%, 10%, 20%, 40%, w/w), vinegar solutions(6.25%, 12.5%, 25%, 50%, 100%, w/w ) and alcohol solutions(6.25%, 12.5%, 25%, 50%, 100%, w/w ) were tested by trapping method. Mixed solution SV1 (10% sugar, 12.5% vinegar and 77.5% H2O), SV2 (20% sugar, 12.5% vinegar and 67.5% H2O), SV3(10% sugar, 25% vinegar and 65% H2O), SV4 (20% sugar, 25% vinegar and 55% H2O))、 and VA1 ( 12.5% vinegar, 12.5% alcohol and 75% H2O) were also compared. Yellow sticky traps (YSTs), methyleugenol (ME)、Bait (BA)、SVA (10% sugar, 12.5% vinegar, 12.5% alcohol and 65% H2O) and methyleugenol+ mixed SVA (ME+SVA) were also compared in Pitaya orchard, respectively. The results showed that, trap effect of sugar at concentration of 10% and 20% were better than other concentrations. Trap effect of 12.5% and 25% vinegar were better than other concentrations. Alcohol at 12.5% had best trap effect of all alcohol solutions. SV1 had better trap effect on B. dorsalies than SV2, SV3, SV4 and VA1 of solutions with two materials. ME and SA could only trap male adults. ME and ME+SVA had better trap effect on male adults than other three treatments. BA, SVA and ME+SVA had better trap effect on female adults. The amount of attractive female and male adults of ME+SVA was more than other five treatments for B. dorsalies. ME+SVA had best trap effect on B. dorsalies in Pitaya orchard.
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