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Effects of temperature on germination rate and fruit setting rate of 5 blueberry cultivars
投稿时间:2016-06-07  修订日期:2016-07-04
中文关键词:  蓝莓  温度  花粉发芽率  坐果率
英文关键词:Blueberry  Temperature  Pollen germination rate  Fruit setting rate
姚平 辽东学院 
周文杰 辽东学院 
黄国辉* 辽东学院 
罗璇 辽东学院 
摘要点击次数: 2402
全文下载次数: 2662
      本研究以5个蓝莓品种为试材,检测不同温度处理2 h后花粉发芽率及自交坐果率。结果表明:温度处理结束后,5个蓝莓品种花粉发芽率随培养时间的延长而增加,整体上呈现出随温度升高而降低的趋势。温度处理后花粉培养12 h的结果表明,蓝丰花粉在处理温度为25℃-37℃时发芽率最高,显著高于其余4个品种;在处理温度为41℃时,花粉发芽率最低,仅为0.67%。处理温度为39℃-41℃时,瑞卡为花粉发芽率最高的品种,显著高于其余4品种。高温降低了5个蓝莓品种的坐果率,布里吉塔坐果率在处理温度达到33℃时显著下降,较对照降低了22.96%。蓝丰、瑞卡和都克坐果率在处理温度为35℃时显著降低。处理温度为41℃时,五个品种中蓝丰坐果率最高。高温降低了5个蓝莓品种花粉发芽率和坐果率。处理温度相同时,花粉发芽率存在品种间差异。瑞卡是39℃-41℃处理后花粉发芽率最高的品种。处理温度为25℃-41℃时,5个蓝莓品种坐果率存在品种间差异。
      In this study, 5 blueberry cultivars were used as materials to estimated the germination rate and self-pollinating fruit setting rate under different temperature for 2 h. Results showed that the pollen germination rate of 5 blueberry cultivars increased with the prolongation of culture time after treated by different temperature, which showed the decreasing trend with the increasing of treated temperature. Results of pollen germination rate at 12 h after treated by different temperature showed that pollen germination rate of Bluecrop were the highest when treated by 25℃-37℃ temperature, which significantly higher than that in the other 4 blueberry cultivars. Pollen germination rate of Bluecrop was 0.67%, which was the lowest among the 5 blueberry cultivars when treated by 41℃. Pollen germination rate of Reka was higher that that in the other 4 blueberry cultivars significantly when treated by 39℃ and 41℃. Fruit setting rate of 5 blueberry cultivars were decreased by high temperature. Fruit setting rate of Brigitta was declined significantly when treated temperature reached 33℃, which was 22.96% lower than that in control. Fruit setting rate of Bluecrop, Reka and Duke were all decreased when treated temperature reached 35℃. Bluecrop with the highest fruit setting rate when the treated temperature was 41℃. Pollen germination rate and fruit setting rate of 5 blueberry cultivars were decreased in high temperature. Pollen germination rate performed different in different blueberry cultivars when treated by the same temperature. Among the 5 blueberry cultivars, Reka with the highest pollen germination rate when treated by 39℃ and 41℃ for 2 h. Fruit setting rate changed among the 5 blueberry cultivars when treated by the same temperature.
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