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Investigation of wild Vitis spp. resources in Yunnan Province
投稿时间:2016-10-13  修订日期:2016-12-17
中文关键词:  葡萄属野生资源  资源调查  资源现状  资源保护与利用
英文关键词:Wild Vitis resources  Resource investigation  Resource status  Resource protection and utilization
基金项目:国家自然科学基金(31160070, 31560538);云南省基础研究计划项目(2010ZC006)
周小明 云南大学生命科学学院植物科学研究所 
王焕冲 云南大学生命科学学院植物标本馆 
宫霞 云南大学生命科学学院植物科学研究所 
杨勇 云南大学生命科学学院植物科学研究所 
宁进 云南大学生命科学学院植物科学研究所 
张汉波 云南大学生命科学学院植物科学研究所 
杨明挚* 云南大学生命科学学院植物科学研究所 
摘要点击次数: 2055
全文下载次数: 2563
      摘 要 为研究云南省葡萄属野生资源的分布情况。根据文献记载、标本查询以及通过对云南省15个州市的50多个县的葡萄属野生资源进行实地考察和样品收集鉴定,用Arc GIS软件绘制了云南野生葡萄分布图。标本与文献资料记载,葡萄属野生资源几乎在云南全省各个州市均有分布,其中毛葡萄分布最广;桦叶葡萄、葛藟葡萄、刺葡萄、蘡薁次之;小叶葡萄、网脉葡萄、美丽葡萄分布相对狭小;云南葡萄、勐海葡萄、蒙自葡萄、凤庆葡萄则呈孤点分布。实地调查共收集到6个种的葡萄属野生资源,分别是:毛葡萄、蘡薁、刺葡萄、云南葡萄、美丽葡萄和桦叶葡萄,其中毛葡萄也分布最广,其它种的葡萄属野生资源除蘡薁葡萄外均属于零星分布。部分文献记载和标本采集地点的葡萄属野生资源在此次调查中未发现,但发现一些新的葡萄属野生资源分布点。结合文献记载和本次调查结果表明,云南省葡萄属野生资源丰富,且分布较广。对云南野生葡萄资源的调查和鉴定需进一步完善,同时加大力度实现现有资源的有效保护及合理开发利用。
      Abstract To investigate the distribution situation of wild Vitis spp. resources in Yunnan Province, China. According to the data from both literatures and field investigation for more than 50 counties in Yunnan province, the distribution of wild Vitis spp. resources. The distribution of wild grape resources in Yunnan Province was mapped with Arc GIS. Wild Vitis resources were documented distributed in almost all the districts of Yunnan province and the widest distributed species was Vitis heyneana Roem. &Schult. Other wider distributed species were Vitis betulifolia Diels &Gilg, Vitis flxuosa Thunb, Vitis davidii (Roman. du Caill.) Föex and Vitis bryoniaefolia Bge. Vitis sinocinnerea W.T.Wang, Vitis wilsonae Veitch and Vitis bellula(Rehd.)W. T. Wang were narrowly distributed. And Vitis yunnanensis C.L.Li, Vitis menghaiensis C.L.Li, Vitis mengziensis C.L.Li and Vitis fengqingensis C.L.Li were seen pointedly distributed. However, only six species of wild Vitis were collected in a current field investigation, i.e. Vitis heyneana, Vitis bryoniaefolia, Vitis davidii, Vitis yunnanensis, Vitis bellula and Vitis betulifolia. Vitis heyneana is also the most widely distributed species. Vitis bryoniaefolia is another wide distributed species of wild grape in Yunnan province. Some wild Vitis resources that had been recorded in literatures were no longer exist at the specimen collection sites, some new distribution sites of wild grapes however,were found, in current investigation. Considering the result of historical and this investigation, wild Vitis spp. resources were abundant and wide distributed in Yunnan province. However, further systematic investigations, as well as effective protection and utilization to these wild Vitis resources in Yunnan Province is necessary.
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