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Effects of lemon branches type on flower and fruit and fruit quality in humid tropical region
投稿时间:2017-03-09  修订日期:2017-03-29
中文关键词:  柠檬  枝梢类型  产量  品质
英文关键词:lemon  shoot type  yield  quality
基金项目:云南省科技厅重点新产品计划项目(2015BB006);国家农业部农业行业专项(201403036);德宏州科技创新计划建设专项 (2015dhkjcx06)
刘佳兴* 云南农业大学 
摘要点击次数: 2036
全文下载次数: 2363
      研究不同枝梢形态对柠檬花果发育的影响,以期为柠檬高产优质栽培提供理论依据。选择7 a生‘云柠1号’尤力克柠檬为材料,针对柠檬不同枝梢类型(带叶无新梢枝梢、无叶枝梢、带叶有新梢枝梢),开展其开花、果实发育动态、产量及品质研究。结果表明:带叶有新梢枝梢较带叶无新梢枝梢有更长时间的营养生长,带叶无新梢枝梢比带叶有新梢枝梢会更早的进入生殖生长,其原因是带叶有新梢枝梢新梢生长需要更多的同化产物,新梢的生长分流掉一部分由老叶供给的养分,所以其营养生长的时间要更长,而带叶无新梢枝梢因无新梢分流养分而提早进入生殖生长。带叶有新梢枝梢上的果实比带叶无新梢枝梢上的果实果大、可溶性固形物和Vc含量也都有显著的提高,原因是果台副梢对果实大小、可溶性物质和Vc均有促进作用。柠檬在第一、二次生理落果后,带叶枝梢着果率高于无叶枝梢,但其果实VC含量却低于无叶枝梢,原因是有叶枝梢具有足够的叶面积和光合能力强,为早期果实的发育提供营养。同时也正由于无叶枝梢的挂果率低,使得果实间对同化产物的竞争力小,果实Vc含量反而高于带叶枝梢。
      The changes of the number and quality of lemon fruit in different branches were studied, and the effect of branches morphology on the growth of lemon fruit was discussed in order to provide theoretical basis for obtaining high quality lemons. Seven years old Citru limon L. ‘Yunning No.1’ Eureka lemons were used as materials, which were researched their flowering, the variation of fruit development, fruit yield and quality for different types of lemon branches (the leaf branches without fresh treetops, no leaf branches and the leaf branches with fresh treetops). The results showed that the types of branches had obvious influence on lemon fruit development and fruit quality. The amounts of the fruits were most for the leaf branches without fresh treetops, up to 1.04, which 0.92 and 0.04 more than they do for the leaf branches with fresh treetops and no fresh treetops, respectively. The fruit weight, vertical diameter, transverse diameter were maximum that 21.03g, 7.88cm and 3.23cm higher than those no leaf branches, respectively. The leaf branches without fresh treetops were second, which were higher 12.23g, 3.4cm and 0.93cm than those no leaf branches. The soluble solids of fruits for the leaf branches were significantly higher than those the leaf branches without fresh treetops and no leaf branches, which were higher than 12.82%, 11.31%. The Vc contents of fruits for the leaf branches were significantly higher 14.23% than that no leaf branches and the Vc contents of fruits for no leaf branches were significantly higher 12.64% than those leaf branches without fresh treetops. In short, whether nutrition growth or reproductive growth for the leaf branches with fresh treetops and no fresh treetops were significantly superior to no leaf branches. Especially, the fruit yield were improved that provided production instruction for lemon orchards clip management.
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