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Effects of Different Pollination Varieties on Fruit Setting Rate and Fruit Quality of Highland ‘Red Fuji’Apple
投稿时间:2017-03-16  修订日期:2017-05-04
中文关键词:  授粉品种  高原红富士  坐果率  果实品质
英文关键词:Pollination variety, Highland ‘Red Fuji’ apple, Fruit setting rate, Fruit quality
龚占斌 昭通苹果产业研究所 
鲁兴凯* 昭通苹果产业研究所 
摘要点击次数: 2015
全文下载次数: 2338
      Abstract: In view of the current situation of low fruit setting rate, distorted fruit shape, low fruit shape index of Zhaotong ‘Red Fuji’ apple, the theory and technical support for high apple yield and high quality are badly in need of promoting the apple industry steadily there. ‘Red Fuji’ apple in the Yunnan-Guizhou Highland were took as samples in this study, and four local cultivated varieties were selected among them: ‘Starkrimson’, ‘Zhao Jin’(The local apple variety was selected from the bud mutation of Golden Delicious apple), ‘Shuangshuai’(Another local apple variety was selected from the bud mutation of Golden Delicious apple), specialized pollination variety ‘Red Agate’, so as to research and compare the flowering phase, pollen germination rate, and hand-pollination influence on fruit setting rate and fruit quality. ‘Red Fuji’ apple were pollinated by those four apple varieties, and it showed that the fruit setting rate of inflorescence and fruit setting rate of flower were better than that of natural pollination. The fruit setting rate of inflorescence of Starkrimson was 95.51%>Red Agate 94.57%>Shuangshuai 92.13%>Zhao Jin 92.11%, respectively; the fruit setting rate of flower of Red Agate was 87.08%>Shuangshuai 81.56%>Starkrimson 76.92%>Zhao Jin 75.66%; the pollen germination rate of Zhao Jin was 74.50%>Red Agate 72.34%>Starkrimson 69.94%>Shuangshuai 44.88%; the fruit distorsion index of natural pollination was 0.251>Starkrimson 0.179>Zhao Jin 0.168>Red Agate 0.154>Shuangshuai 0.150, and there were significant differences among all the above mentioned information. The results showed that different pollination varieties have significant different effects on the fruit qualities, such as fruit hardness, soluble solid contents, coloring degree, single fruit weight, fruit shape index, and so on. The difference level of fruit qualities differed in pollination varieties. Thus, short of pollination varieties and pollination adverse are important causes leading to fruit distorsion. Such four selected varieties could be used as pollination varieties for Zhaotong Red fuji, and Red Agate is the best choice. Key words: Pollination variety, Highland ‘Red Fuji’ apple, Fruit setting rate, Fruit quality
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