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Application of WGD-3 Formula in Grafting of Macadamia
投稿时间:2017-08-23  修订日期:2017-10-23
中文关键词:  WGD-3  澳洲坚果  嫁接  成活率
英文关键词:WGD-3  Macadamia  Graft  High rate of successful grafts
文定青* 中国热带农业科学院南亚热带作物研究所 
摘要点击次数: 2021
全文下载次数: 2279
      【目的】为了提高澳洲坚果嫁接成活率,以便生产上大规模快速嫁接育苗。【方法】WGD-3 配方是南亚热带作物研究所研制的用于澳洲坚果嫁接育苗的复合配方。以澳洲坚果品种Hinde(H2)和Pahala(788)为试材,研究了WGD-3配方浓度对澳洲坚果嫁接育苗的影响。【结果】结果表明,2个品种嫁接成活率、抽发新梢数量、新梢平均长度和新梢总长度均以15处理效果最好;嫁接成活率分别达90.00 %和87.23 %,显著高于对照的57.22 %和54.43 %,嫁接成活率分别提高57.28 %和60.26 %;每株抽发新梢数量分别为4.8个和4.5个,多于对照的4.1个和3.2个;嫁接后60天,新梢平均长度分别为1.2cm和1.6cm,高于对照的1.1 cm和0.9 cm;新梢总长度分别为6.4 cm和7.5 cm,高于对照的5.4 cm和3.3 cm。此外,WGD-3 配方降低了过氧化物酶(POD)活性,提高了超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)活性,显著提高了嫁接成活率。【结论】WGD-3 配方法嫁接澳洲坚果不需进行枝条的环割处理,不需要复杂的温室设施,具有成活率高、操作简便、省时省力、嫁接速度快、抽梢数量多、植株生长迅速,适于澳洲坚果大规模嫁接育苗应用。
      【Objective】 in order to improve the survival rate of macadamia grafting, a new technology was developed so that which was used in large-scale by grafting. Macadamia are a kind of advanced nutrition nut and health food with high nutritional value, which has unique flavor, known as "the king of the world nuts". Macadamia were found in 1857, however, its artificial cultivation history is only 150 years. At present, macadamia planting area are about 78,000 hm2 in the world, total yield are 116,000 t every year. Macadamia was planted since 1979 in China, with 20 years past, macadamia cultivation area has reached 4000 hm2 in 2006 in China, which were mainly planted in Yunnan and Guangxi Province. The economic benefits of the cultivation of macadamia are remarkable, which is rare for the special economic tree species. Grafting is the general way of breeding of Macadamia worldwide. Although ring cutting treatment for the common grafting method to improve graft survival rate and effective, but time-consuming work; greenhouse culture equipment is complex and high cost; these are lots of difficult to promote in the country. In addition, there were other some studies on the processing of grafting in Macadamia, however, survival rates were very low. So far, there is no one operation technology is simple, suitable for general fruit growers for quick grafting of macadamia. 【Methods】 The self-developed WGD-3 formula has the effect of significantly improving the graft survival rate, without the need of circular cutting treatment, without the need for complex greenhouse facilities, WGD-3 formula was manufactured for grafting Macadamia by South Subtropical Crops Research Institutes, Chinese Academy of Tropical Agricultural Sciences (SSCRI, CATAS). Effects of concentration of WGD-3 Formula on Grafting Macadamia were studied in Macadamia scion varieties, Hinde (H2) and Pahala (788). The formula can significantly improve the survival rate of grafting, and may also be related to several active ingredients in the formula. The liquid thiophanate in the raw material composition of the liquid composition is a broad-spectrum low-toxicity bactericidal agent which can transmit to the top with the liquid flow, interfere with the formation of the spindle in the mitosis of the pathogen, which affect the cell division and play a role of sterilization. The application of methyl thiophanate in the grafting and breeding of nuts in Macadamia reduce the damage of pathogens to spike and prolong the normal activity of scion, thus improve the grafting survival rate of macadamia nuts. At the same time, it is safe for people, animals, natural enemies and plants. In addition, the formula of gibberellin, naphthalene acetic acid, indole acetic acid and other plant growth regulators can reduce the activity of SOD, scion can scavenge active oxygen and free radicals, prevent membrane lipid peroxidation and other damage process to maintain scion and the physiological activity of the rootstock is relatively consistent, which can promote the formation of layers and parenchyma cell division activities, result in a large number of callus, and promote the graft site of vascular tissue differentiation, the formation of vascular bridge, thereby promote healing, improve graft survival rate. Finally, after grafting, biofilm seal was used in the upper part of the scion. It was simple in operation and fast in dressing, the buds were not deformed, the survival rate was high, Plant growth is very fast, in addition, there are many other obvious advantages. 【Results】Results showed that the treatment of 15 WGD-3 was the best successful grafts, number of sprout and the length of twigs, compared with other treatments in the 2 varieties in H2 and 788. Treated with 15 WGD-3, the rates of successful grafts of H2 and 788 reached 90.00 % and 87.23 %, increased 57.28% and 60.26%, significant1y higher than the controls’ 57.22 % and 54.43 %, respectively; the numbers of sprouting were increased to 4.8 and 4.5, however, the controls only has 4.1 and 3.2, respectively; At 60d after grafting, the average length of twigs were 1.2 cm and 1.6cm, and that the controls were 1.1 cm and 0.9 cm, respectively; and the total length of twigs were increased to 6.4 cm and 7.5 cm, compared with the controls’ 5.4 cm and 3.3 cm, respectively. In addition, WGD-3 reduced the activity of peroxidase (POD) in grafting plant, which was lower than that in check; increased the activity of superoxide dismutase (SOD) in grafting plant, which was higher than that in check, which significantly improved the graft survival rate. Applying of WGD-3 formula in grafting macadamia, there was no need to girdling of branches before the scions were to be cut, and no need the complicated greenhouse facilities. 【Conclusion】In order to improve the graft survival rate of macadamia in China and expand the development of suitable areas of macadamia rapidly, we developed a pharmaceutical composition, WGD-3, WGD-3 formula is a kind of compound formula (patent number: CN200910089779.8), which is suitable for the breeding of macadamia. It can improve the graft survival rate of Chinese macadamia significantly, the technology is simple and the cost is low. This paper reports the results of the formulation. This method was suitable for propagation seedlings of Macadamia by grafting in large-scale for its high rate of successful grafts, simple and fast operation with less labor and time, rapid growth and more sprouts.
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