农江飞,李青萍,杨翼飞,刘晓纳,曾明,赵晓春,朱世平.酸碱胁迫对柑橘砧木生长与生理的影响[J].中国南方果树,2018,47(2): |
酸碱胁迫对柑橘砧木生长与生理的影响 |
Effects on Growth and Physiology of Citrus Rootstocksunder Acid and Alkaline Stresses |
投稿时间:2017-12-08 修订日期:2018-01-07 |
DOI: |
中文关键词: 柑橘砧木 耐酸性 耐碱性 主成分分析 隶属函数分析 |
英文关键词:Citrus rootstocks acidity tolerance alkaline tolerance membership function method comprehensive subordinate function analysis |
基金项目:国家现代农业产业技术体系建设专项资金项目(CARS-26);重庆市青年科技人才项目(cstc2014kjrc-qnrc8002);中央高校基本业务费项目(XDJK2016B024);重庆市应用开发计划项目(cstc2014yykfB0186);中央高校基本业务费项目(XDJK2016B024) |
摘要点击次数: 2093 |
全文下载次数: 2400 |
中文摘要: |
以8种不同类型的柑橘砧木实生苗为试验材料,在处理条件较为一致的无土栽培系统中进行不同pH值(3.5和9.0,以6.0为对照)处理,测定胁迫下植株的形态表现、生长量指标以及与逆境相关的生理生化指标,利用主成分分析法和隶属函数法对柑橘砧木的耐酸/碱性进行综合性评价。结果显示,与对照相比,酸碱胁迫下供试砧木的各项指标均发生了变化,且变化幅度因砧木不同而不同。利用隶属函数法计算供试材料的耐性综合能力值,其值越大耐性越强,反之越弱。枳(Z-022)是耐酸性较强的砧木,资阳香橙是耐碱性较强的砧木,而KPJ-015和卡里佐枳橙分别是对酸胁迫和碱胁迫较为敏感的柑橘砧木。 |
英文摘要: |
Citrus rootstock plays essential roles in tree growth, fruit yield, size, quality and resistance to the stresses, thus to some extent it directly determines the economic benefits of the orchard. The present study aims to providing useful references for citrus rootstock breeding and selection in citruculture by effectively evaluating the tolerance of citrus rootstocks to acidic and alkaline stresses. Seedlings of 8 different citrus rootstocks were used as materials and treated with nutrient solutions at pH3.5 and 9.0 (control, pH6.0) in a hydroponic system. The tolerances to acidic and alkaline stresses were evaluated according to the symptoms of leaves, the growth of plant height and stem, and the parameters of physiological and biochemical indexes highly related to stress response. The methods of membership function and principal component analysis were employed to comprehensively evaluate the tolerance to the stresses. The results indicated that Z-022 (Poncirus trifoliata) possesses good tolerance to acidic stress, and Ziyang Xiangcheng is tolerant to alkaline condition, while KPJ-015 and Carrizo Citrange were susceptible to acidity and alkalinity stresses, respectively. |
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