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Effects of PBO on Calyx Falling and Fruit Quality of
投稿时间:2017-12-18  修订日期:2018-06-08
中文关键词:  ‘玉露香梨’  PBO  脱萼  品质  果实质地
英文关键词:‘Yuluxiangli’pear  PBO  Calyx-abscission rate  Quality  Texture characteristics
陈园园 山西农业大学园艺学院 
李凯 山西省农科院果树研究所 
宋宇琴 山西农业大学 
李娜 山西农业大学 
李六林* 山西农业大学 
摘要点击次数: 1969
全文下载次数: 2237
      Abstract:【Objective】'Yuluxiangli' pear intrinsic quality is excellent but the low calyx falling rate, irregular calyx prominence, the convex surface of the fruit effect the external quality. Therefore promoting calyx falling and accelerating fruit quality are urgent issues to be resolved in the production at present.【Method】The experiment was carried out on ‘Yuluxiangli’ pears with different concentrations of PBO in full-bloom stage. Based on the investigation of the fruit set and falling of calyx, the effect of PBO on internal and external quality was analyzed. Fruit texture was measured by the US FTC Texture analyzer.【Result】The result shows that the fruit-setting rate decreased with the increasing of PBO concentration, which was significantly lower than that of control. The rate of calyx falling was gradually increased with the increasing of concentration, which was significantly higher than that of the control. The fruit weights, verticals diameters, horizontal diameters and shape indexes had tended to decrease with the increasing of PBO concentration. Skew index was significantly lower than that of control except the concentrations of 2000 times. The level of protrusion decreased with the increasing of PBO concentration. Except the concentrations of 2000 times, the level of protrusion was significantly lower than that of control. With the increasing of PBO concentration, the soluble solids content of 'Yuluxiangli ' Pear had tended to increase first and decreased soon. The treatment groups were significantly higher than the control. The concentration of 1500 times was the highest, which was 12.58%. With the increasing of PBO concentration, the rind hardness and initial modulus of 'Yuluxiangli' pear had increased firstly and decreased soon. The chewiness was higher than the control. Pulp hardness, adhesion and flexibility had no significant difference between the treatment and the control.【Conclusion】PBO accelerate the calyx falling of ‘Yuluxiangli’ Pear, in which the concentrations of 1500 times improve its internal and external quality effectively while maintaining its good fleshy texture.
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