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The Analysis of the differences on the characteristics of different resistance banana cultivars to fusarium wilt in tissue culture and their abilities of tolerance to crude toxin of pathogen
投稿时间:2018-01-16  修订日期:2018-03-08
中文关键词:  香蕉枯萎病  抗枯萎病香蕉品种  感枯萎病香蕉品种  组织培养性状  病菌粗毒素
英文关键词:Fusarium wilt of banana  Resistant banana cultivar  Susceptible banana cultivar  Characteristics of tissue culture  Crude toxin
甘林 福建省农业科学院植物保护研究所 
陈汉鑫 福建省漳州市农业科学研究所 
杨秀娟 福建省农业科学院植物保护研究所 
代玉立 福建省农业科学院植物保护研究所 
杜宜新 福建省农业科学院植物保护研究所 
阮宏椿 福建省农业科学院植物保护研究所 
石妞妞 福建省农业科学院植物保护研究所 
陈福如* 福建省农业科学院植物保护研究所 
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      为了明确抗感枯萎病香蕉品种在组织培养性状和耐毒素能力上的差异,本研究对不同抗感病香蕉品种进行了组织培养不同阶段性状的观察及其生根苗耐毒素能力的测定。结果表明,在增殖培养阶段,感病品种大丰1号和天宝中杆丛生芽增殖的平均数量分别为7.10个和5.90个,而抗病品种粉杂1号、柴蕉、海南贡蕉和抗枯5号芽增殖的平均数量分别仅1.10个、2.10个、4.00个和3.50个;在芽苗分化阶段,大丰1号和天宝中杆的苗分化率分别为73.03%和70.06%,且显著高于其他4个抗病品种;在生根苗生长阶段,粉杂1号和柴蕉的生根苗根长较长,平均分别可达10.99和11.01 mm,显著长于其他2个感病品种。说明感病品种的芽增殖能力和苗分化能力较强,但在长势上,抗病品种表现为芽体粗大,分化苗和生根苗生长健壮,根系发达。此外,生根苗的耐毒素能力测定结果表明,感病品种大丰1号和天宝中杆的病情指数较高,分别为81.90和94.28,而其余抗病品种的病情指数介于2.38~29.05之间,说明抗病品种的生根苗耐毒素能力较强。
      The characteristics of different resistanceSbanana cultivars to fusarium wilt in the different stages of tissue culture were observed, and the tolerant abilities of rooting seedlings to crude toxin of pathogen were studied. The results indicated that the number of bud multiplication of susceptible banana cultivars (Dafeng NO.1 and Tianbaozhonggan) were 7.10 and 5.90 in average in the stage of proliferation culture, and the number of bud multiplication of resistant banana cultivars (Fenza NO.1, Chaijiao, Hannangongjiao and Kangku NO.5) were 1.10, 2.10, 4.00 and 3.50, respectively in average. In the stage of bud differentiation,the differentiation rates of Dafeng NO.1 and Tianbaozhonggan were 73.03 % and 70.06 %, respectively. The abilities of bud differentiation were significantly higher than other 4 resistant banana cultivars. In the growth stage of seedling, the root lengths of rooting seedling of Fenza NO.1 and Chaijiao were 10.99 and 11.01 mm, respectively in average, which were significantly longer than other 2 susceptible banana cultivars. The results showed that susceptible banana cultivars had a strong level on the abilities of bud multiplication and differentiation, but resistant banana cultivars showed coarse bud, strong growth in differentiated seedlings and rooting seedlings, and grew well with roots. In addition, the determination results of the tolerant abilities of rooting seedlings to crude toxin of pathogen indicated that the disease index of susceptible banana cultivars (Dafeng NO.1 and Tianbaozhonggan) were 81.90 and 94.28, higher than other resistant banana cultivars which the disease index ranged from 2.38 to 29.05. The results also showed that the resistant banana cultivars had a strong level on the ability of tolerance to crude toxin.
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