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化延斌,权丽春,Chew-Tin Lee,张乃儒,白忠全,杨建刚,袁信,乔云兰,赵利英,赵宏博,屈亚妮,魏建科,齐荣,王艳.一种便捷剪式摘果器[J].中国南方果树,2018,47(2):
A Convenient Scissors-Type Fruit Picking Apparatus
投稿时间:2018-02-26  修订日期:2018-03-01
中文关键词:  剪式  摘果器  便捷  铰接杆  摘果碗  剪切刀片
英文关键词:Scissors-type  Fruit picking apparatus  Convenient  Hinged lever  Fruit picking bowl  Shear blade
化延斌 扶风县果业服务中心 
权丽春 扶风县果业服务中心 
Chew-Tin Lee* Faculty of Chemical and Energy Engineering,Universiti Teknologi Malaysia UTM, Johor Bahru,Johor,Malaysia 
张乃儒 扶风县果业服务中心 
白忠全 扶风县果业服务中心 
杨建刚 扶风县果业服务中心 
袁信 扶风县果业服务中心 
乔云兰 扶风县果业服务中心 
赵利英 扶风县果业服务中心 
赵宏博 扶风县果业服务中心 
屈亚妮 扶风县果业服务中心 
魏建科 扶风县果业服务中心 
齐荣 扶风县果业服务中心 
王艳 扶风县果业服务中心 
摘要点击次数: 1947
全文下载次数: 2266
      At present, the fruit picking in most parts of China mainly relies on manual operation. Although the pure manual operation can protect the fruits from damage during the picking process, the picking of fruits is time-consuming and labor-intensive. There is a danger of working at height, which results in low efficiency and also higher labor cost. With the development of society, a variety of picking machines and picking platforms have been developed, which can improve the picking efficiency. However, based on the characteristics of fruit tree planting density, varying height and size of fruit growth, picking machines and picking platforms often cause the damages of fruits during the picking process. The damages could affect the appearance and quality of the fruits. The manufacturing cost of a good picking system is high. Currently, various mechanical fruit picking apparatus have been designed. Although the manufacturing cost can be reduced, there are some shortcomings such as poor portability or complex operation or limited picking range or insufficient fruit protection. These lead to the inconvenient operation, low efficiency and poor picking quality in picking fruits. Therefore, it is essential to invent a portable and convenient mechanical tool that is easy-to-use for the operator that could cooperate with the manual operation to accomplish the fruits picking by hands. In this paper, a convenient scissors-type fruit picking apparatus is designed. It has the hinged levers to drive the close-up of the shear blades that are set in the fruit-picking bowl to cut the fruit pedicel, to accomplish the fast and safe fruit picking process. The fruit picking apparatus belongs to a pure mechanical design that has the characteristics on ingenious design, simple structure, excellent portability, convenient operation and low cost, which is suitable for large-scale popularization and application in the field of fruit picking in China.
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