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Feng tang Plum a new high quality plum cultivar
投稿时间:2018-04-10  修订日期:2018-04-10
中文关键词:    蜂糖李  新品种  选育
英文关键词:Plum  New cultivar  Feng tang  High quality  breeding
基金项目:贵州省科技计划课题(黔科合NY[2015]3007-1号);贵州省科技厅改革转制项目(黔科合体Z字[2014]4006 号);贵州省科技计划课题(黔科合成果 [2017]4101号)。
张毅* 安顺市农业科学院 贵州安顺 
李用奇 安顺市农业科学院 贵州安顺 
肖祎 安顺市农业科学院 贵州安顺 
吴家丽 安顺市农业科学院 贵州安顺 
程蕾 镇宁县农业局 贵州镇宁 
摘要点击次数: 2209
全文下载次数: 2263
      ‘Feng tang’ plum is a new middle-maturing plum variety selected from Anshun City Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Zhenning County Bureau of Agriculture, Liuma Township Agricultural Service Center and Zhenning Huiyuan Ecological Agriculture Co., Ltd. in Zhenning. It was first discovered at the beginning of this century because of its vivid color and very sweet time. Breeding through excellent lines. From 2012 to 2015, it was eventually selected in 2016 after four years of four-year regional (Liuma Shazi town、Shazi town、Daban town) regional fitness tests. Saplings tree stronger, strong erectus, adult tree posture more open, crown tall, semicircular head type, high germination rate, low rate of branches, branches sparse, internodes longer, full fruiting period Shuzi opened, annual branches Positive brown, dark green, perennial branches stout, taupe. Leaves narrowly lanceolate, young leaves yellow-green, into dark green leaves, leaves long sharp, sharp tip, leaf base narrow wedge-shaped, leaf edge serrated sharp, petiole and main vein light pink. Flower bud long conical, outer brown leathery scales, corolla diameter 1.4cm, petal white, 5 petals, filaments white, style light green, pollen yellow, light green calyx light brown. Leaves spike long pointed, acute; single pistil, multiple stamens. Fruit round, suture deep and obvious; Peel light yellow, waxy and shiny, yellow flesh, fleshy, succulent, juicy, sweet; The average fruit weight 35.3g, the largest fruit weight 65.9g, fruit shape index 0.89; Small nuclear, nuclear, edible rate is high, crude fiber less. Soluble solids 16.1%, soluble sugar 13.54%, titratable acid content of 0.77%, vitamin c8.95mg /100g, excellent quality. Fruit growth period of 125/d, six horses in Anshun in late June mature; high germination rate, weak branch force. Fruit resistant storage,shelf life of more than 7 days, sweet and rich after-storage effect.Suitable for
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