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何 超,沈登荣,尹立红,袁盛勇,田学军.不同杀虫剂对井上蛀果斑螟卵的触杀作用[J].中国南方果树,2018,47(6):
Contact Toxicity of Several Insecticides Against Eggs of Assara inouei
投稿时间:2018-05-15  修订日期:2018-05-30
中文关键词:  关 键 词 井上蛀果斑螟  杀虫剂    触杀效果
英文关键词:Assara inouei Yamanaka  pesticides  eggs  contact toxicity
何 超 红河学院生命科学与技术学院 
沈登荣* 红河学院生命科学与技术学院 
尹立红 西南林业大学林学院 
袁盛勇 红河学院生命科学与技术学院/云南省高校农作物优质高效栽培与安全控制重点实验室 
田学军 红河学院生命科学与技术学院 
摘要点击次数: 1846
全文下载次数: 2223
      为了解不同杀虫剂对井上蛀果斑螟卵的触杀作用,采用浸渍法测定了辛硫磷、丙溴磷、乙酰甲胺磷、高效氯氟氢菊酯、杀虫双、除虫脲、噻嗪酮、阿维.哒螨灵、吡虫.三唑磷等9种药剂对井上蛀果斑螟卵的触杀效果。结果表明:2.5%高效氯氟氢菊酯EC 600倍液,对井上蛀果斑螟卵的触杀效果最高,校正死亡率达98.67%;40%辛硫磷EC 250和500倍液、30%乙酰甲胺磷EC 300倍液、37%噻嗪酮SC 250倍液、20%吡虫.三唑磷EC 150倍液处理,校正死亡率均在90%以上。此外,40%辛硫磷EC 1 000和1 500倍液、40%丙溴磷EC 2 000和2 500倍液、30%乙酰甲胺磷EC 600倍液、2.5%高效氯氟氰菊酯EC 800倍液、25%杀虫双AS 100和150倍液、25%除虫脲2 500倍液、8%阿维.哒螨灵EC 1 500倍液和20%吡虫.三唑磷EC 150倍液的触杀效果均高于80%。综合试验结果考虑,防治井上蛀果斑螟,可使用40%辛硫磷EC 500~1000倍液、30%乙酰甲胺磷EC 300~600倍液、2.5%高效氯氟氰菊酯EC 600~800倍液、37% 噻嗪酮SC 250倍液和20%吡虫.三唑磷EC 100~150倍液对该虫的卵期进行防治。
      To study the contacting toxicity of nine insecticides on eggs of Assara inouei Yamanaka. The contacting toxicities of phoxim EC, profenofos EC, acephate EC, beta-cyfluthrin EC, dimehypo AS, diflubenzuron SC, buprofezin SC, abamectin-pyridaben EC and imidacloprid-triazophos EC against the eggs of Assara inouei were studied by immersion method in the laboratory. The results showed that the diluent of 2.5% beta-cyfluthrin EC by 600 times had the best contact toxicity to the eggs, the corrected mortality was 98.67%. The contact toxicities of the diluent of 40% phoxim EC by 250 times and 500 times, 30% acephate EC by 300 times, 37% buprofezin SC by 250 times and 20% imidacloprid-triazophos EC by 150 times were above 90%. In addition, The contact toxicities of the diluent of 40% phoxim EC by 1 000 times and 1 500 times, 40% profenofos EC by 2 000 times and 2 500 times, 30% acephate EC by 600 times, 2.5% beta-cyfluthrin EC by 800 times, 25% dimehypo AS by 100 times and 150 times, 25% diflubenzuron SC by 2 500 times, 8% abamectin-pyridaben EC by 1 500 times and 20% imidacloprid-triazophos EC by 150 times were above 80%. At last, The diluent of 40% phoxim EC by 500~1 000 times, 30% acephate EC by 300~600 times, 2.5% beta-cyfluthrin EC by 600-800 times, 37% buprofezin SC by 250 times or 20% imidacloprid- triazophos EC by 100~150 times could be used to control of Assara inouei eggs.
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