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#$NBSIn-Situ distribution and Environment relations of wild Pyrus calleryana Decne in china
投稿时间:2018-07-10  修订日期:2018-07-16
中文关键词:  豆梨  原生境  分布  环境因子  相关分析
英文关键词:Pyrus calleryana Decne  distribution  In-Situ  Environmental Factors  related analysis
刘超 中国农业科学院果树研究所 
曹玉芬* 中国农业科学院果树研究所 
摘要点击次数: 1872
全文下载次数: 2249
      Abstract: The objective of the study were to elucidate understand the distribution situation and its relationship with environment factors so as to better protect wild Pyrus calleryana Decne.[Method]We performed field investigation, measured several morphological characteristics of leaf and fruit and obtained 11 phenotypic traits of 57 wild P. calleryana from 6 province. To analyze the relationship of phenotypic traits and environment factors, the main mathematical statistical methods were used including factor analysis and correlation analysis, The results indicated that P. calleryana mainly distributed in the area of 21.03~31.16°N , 107.28~119.38°E, with elevation from 32 to 710 meters in china. Hechi, Bama ,Guilin, Wutong Mountain ,Ganzhou were five major distribution areas of P. calleryana. The results of factor analysis show that the cumulative contribution rate of the first three principal components is 85.511%, which can explain most the genetic information contained in all variables, including Latitude, Annual Mean Temperature, Precipitation of Wettest Month and Min Temperature of Coldest Month have the greatest impact on the distribution of P. calleryana. Correlation analysis showed that the degree of correlation between different traits was different. The single fruit weight, Fruit diameter, Fruit longitudinal diameter and fruit index showed significant and extremely significant correlation with longitude, latitude and altitude; while leaf length and petiole length is significantly or extremely significantly correlated with Annual Mean Temperature and Min Temperature of Coldest Month. Based on the cluster analysis of 9 geographical climatic factors, it was found that when the Euclidean distance was 2.5, the wild P. calleryana could be divided into 2 categories and 7 sub-categories, indicating that the wild P. calleryana resources had strong resistance. The requirements for environmental conditions during the growth process are not high. The wide P. calleryana sustained higher morphological diversity. And they were relevant to environmental factors. However, due to environmental destruction and human urbanization, wild P. calleryana resources are gradually decreasing, so effective measures should be taken to protect the P. calleryana.
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