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杨 芩,杨 怡,张婷渟,彭 舒,邓 洁.GA3不同浓度和施用时期对‘灿烂’兔眼蓝莓花期和生殖能力的影响[J].中国南方果树,2019,48(3):
Effect of Different Concentration and Application Period of GA3 on Florescence and Reproductive Capacity of ‘Britewell’ Rabbiteye Blueberry
投稿时间:2018-08-16  修订日期:2018-10-13
中文关键词:  赤霉素  蓝莓  花期  柱头可授性  花粉活力  胚囊活力
英文关键词:Gibberellic acid  Blueberry  Florescence  Stigma receptivity  Pollen viability  EmbryoSsac viability
基金项目:凯里学院2016年度科技合作协议项目:蓝莓产业技术创新团队 (黔科合HL字[2016] 7331号);凯里学院院级规划项目:蓝莓枝、芽特性研究及其在早结丰产栽培技术上的应用 (Z1302);贵州省教育厅自科项目:避雨栽培对改善蓝莓品质和耐贮性的应用研究(黔教合KY字[2016]303);园艺学贵州省重点支持学科(黔学位合字ZDXK[2014]28号);
杨 芩* 凯里学院大健康学院 
杨 怡 凯里学院大健康学院 
张婷渟 凯里学院大健康学院 
彭 舒 凯里学院大健康学院 
邓 洁 凯里学院大健康学院 
摘要点击次数: 1848
全文下载次数: 2286
      本研究以5年生‘灿烂’兔眼蓝莓为试材,以清水为对照,开展 GA3 不同浓度和不同施用时期的喷施处理,调查与分析各处理对开花物候期、结果枝比率、平均每枝花朵数、花粉活力、柱头可授性和胚囊活力等参数的影响,以此评价GA3不同浓度和不同施用时期对蓝莓花期和生殖能力调节的效果,以期探索适用的蓝莓花期延迟技术,为生产栽培花期管理提供科学依据。研究结果表明,GA3不同浓度和不同时期的处理对‘灿烂’兔眼蓝莓的开花物候期有着明显的影响,随施浓度的增加开花物候期延迟的时间逐渐延长,但同时其结果枝比率、平均每枝的花朵数、花粉活力、柱头可授性和胚囊活力等雌雄器官的生殖能力均逐渐降低。此外,在采果后不同时期第一次喷施500 mg/L GA3的处理对成花和生殖能力的影响更为显著,整体上呈现为施用时期越早,成花效果越差,雌雄性器官的生殖能力亦越低。综合分析表明,施用GA3可以延迟其花期7 d左右,但第一次施用时期过早,或施用浓度过高均不同程度地影响蓝莓的成花效果和生殖能力,在采果后第30 d施用500 mg/L的GA3效果较好。
      In this study, the application of gibberellic acid was conducted on ‘Britewell’ rabbiteye blueberry with different concentration and application period, with spraying water as control, the phenological period, rate of bearing branch, flowers of per bearing branch, pollen viability, stigma receptivity and embryoSsac viability were investigated, so as to elucidate the effect of different concentration and application period of gibberellic acid on florescence and reproductive capacity of ‘Britewell’ rabbiteye blueberry, to explore the flower delay technology, and to provide scientific basis for the management of floriculture in blueberry. The results showed that there was a significant difference in florescence among different concentration and application period of gibberellic acid, and with the increase of the concentration, the delay time of flowering phenology was gradually extended. Simultaneously, the reproductive capacity is gradually decreasing with the increase of the concentration that the rate of bearing branch, flowers of per bearing branch, pollen viability, stigma receptivity and embryoSsac viability. Furthermore, there was more significant difference in florescence and reproductive capacity, as a whole, the flower was poorer and the reproductive capacity was lower with the earlier period of application. Therefore, the aforementioned results showed that the application of GA3 could delay flowering around 7 d, but the florescence and reproductive ability were affected to varying degrees that the first time of application is too early, or the concentration is too high, and it is better that the treatment with 500 mg/L of GA3 30 d after harvest.
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