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Dynamic changes of organic acid content in sarcocarpSand seeds during development of Yali and Niitaka
投稿时间:2018-08-19  修订日期:2018-10-08
中文关键词:  梨,果肉,种子,有机酸含量,动态变化
英文关键词:Pear  Sarcocarp  Seeds  Organic acid content  Dynamic changes
孙新菊 南京特殊教育师范学院 
齐开杰 南京农业大学梨工程技术研究中心 
张绍铃* 南京农业大学梨工程技术研究中心 
摘要点击次数: 1814
全文下载次数: 2192
      In order to determine the effect of seeds on fruit growth and development in pear, the components and contents of organic acid in sarcocarp and seeds of Yali and Niitaka were determined by the High Performance Liquid Chromatography(HPLC)during fruit development. The results indicated that the main organic acid components in the sarcocarp of two cultivars were malic acid and quinic acid. In the early stage of fruit development, the proportions of organic acids in sarcocarp of Yali and Niitaka were similar, but the proportion of malic acid in the Niitaka was 59.98% when the fruit matured, which was significantly higher than that of Yali 37.51%. The organic acid components in the seeds of the two cultivars accounted for similar dynamic changes, which are mainly reflected in the increase of the proportion of quinic acid and the decrease of malic acid, which different from the dynamic changes of sarcocarp. The total acid, oxalic acid, quinic acid, malic acid, shikimic acid and citric acid in the sarcocarp and seeds of two cultivars showed a downward trend with the ripening of the fruit. The content of quinic acid, shikimic acid and citric acid in the sarcocarp of Yali are higher than the Niitaka. The total acid content in the seeds of Niitaka was 4.59mg/g when the fruit matured, which was significantly lower than that of Yali 13.00mg/g. The content of oxalic acid, quinic acid and shikimic acid in the seeds of Yali are significantly higher than that of Niitaka when the fruit matured. In the early stage of fruit development, the malic acid content in the seeds was significantly higher than that in the sarcocarp, and was significantly lower than that in the sarcocarp when the fruit matured.
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