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Effect of biostimulant on soil improvement and Fusarium oxysporium disease control in abandoned banana garden
投稿时间:2018-11-08  修订日期:2019-04-08
中文关键词:  撂荒蕉园  生物刺激素  土壤改良  香蕉枯萎病
英文关键词:abandoned banana garden  biostimulant  soil improvement  banana Fusarium oxysporium
周龙 云南云天化股份有限公司云南农业大学 
李进平 云南云天化股份有限公司 
曾志伟 云南云天化股份有限公司 
王志刚 云南云天化股份有限公司 
徐晨 云南云天化股份有限公司 
杨德荣* 云南云天化股份有限公司 
摘要点击次数: 1771
全文下载次数: 2320
      There was a great significance about soil improvement to improve soil microenvironment and banana wilt disease prevention and control. In order to study the effect of biostimulant on soil improvement and Fusarium oxysporium disease control in abandoned banana garden. A field experiment was carried out under abandoned banana garden, and four treatments with three replications were completely randomized block including conventional fertilizer(CK), conventional fertilization + bio-stimulant(YC), conventional fertilization + bio-organic fertilizer(B) and conventional fertilizer + bio-organic fertilizer + bio-stimulant(YCB). The results showed that compared with B treatment, YCB treatment increase significantly pH b, organic matter, Available nitrogen, available phosphorus, available potassium. While no significant effect at YC treatment. Otherwise, it also plays an important role about soil microenvironment. YCB treatment increased bacteria and actinomycetes by 167.9% and 21.1% than YC treatment, and decrease fungi and Fusarium oxysporum by 21.3% and 90.8% than it. Meanwhile, compared with B treatment, YCB treatment increased bacteria and actinomycetes by 31.3% and 22.0%, reduce Fusarium osysporum by 89.0% significantly, respectively. In terms of prevention, YCB treatment reduce significantly the banana yellow rate and morbidity compared with YC treatment and B treatment. In addition, YCB treatment increased economic recovery by 22.1% than B treatment, no improve about production. Simultaneously,YCB and B treatment improving soluble sugar by 9.3% and 21.5% compared with CK, and YCB treatment increasing soluble sugar by 11.1% than B treatment. Meanwhile, YCB treatment compared with CK, YC and B treatment decrease soluble acid by 23.4%, 23.4% and 21.7%, respectively. Correlation analysis showed that, YCB treatment can reduce the banana Fusarium wilt, through regulation pH and raising soil organic matter, then, promoting the soil microbial community structure.
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