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Analysis on Genetic Relationship of Seedless Variant of the Sweet Orange(Chunmi )
投稿时间:2019-01-06  修订日期:2019-02-24
中文关键词:  甜橙  无核变异  叶片性状  SCoT标记  亲缘关系
英文关键词:Sweet orange  Seedless variation  Leaf morphology  SCoT marker  Phylogenetic relationship
周彩霞 广西大学农学院园艺系 
黄桂香* 广西大学农学院园艺系 
潘贞珍 广西大学农学院园艺系 
胡艺帆 广西大学农学院园艺系 
苏美玲 广西大学农学院园艺系 
何新华 广西大学农学院园艺系 
摘要点击次数: 1807
全文下载次数: 2336
      The experiment aimed to analyze the relationship among the seedless variant of sweet orange and 41 sweet oranges by means of leaf morphological description and SCoT molecular marker. The results indicated that in leaf morphology, the leaf weight(26.72%), the petiole wing length (22.48%) and petiole wing width (36.56%)were the three characters with the highest coefficient of variation. The applicable indicators for the description of leaf phenotypic characteristics of sweet orange leaves are leaf shape, leaf tip shape, leaf base shape, leaf edge, having leaf tip deficiency or not, leaf shape index, leaf weight, leaf thickness, petiole length, the length and width of petiole wing based on the R-type clustering analysis of leaf phenotypic traits. In the Q-type cluster analysis, the seedless variant and Chuncheng was closest to each other and gathered in a group when the Euclidean distance was 1. In SCoT marker, the average polymorphic locus ratio of 42 resources was 65.26%, the seedless variant was grouped with Chuncheng at the genetic coefficient of 0.938, the seedless variant was divided into a group with Chuncheng and Succari Orange at the genetic coefficient of 0.91, the seedless variant was grouped with Citrus sinensis Osbeck var. Sunwui-tincheng. Ex Hort at the genetic coefficient of 0.831, and the seedless variant was grouped with common sweet oranges such as Chuncheng, Succari Orange, Citrus sinensis(L.) Osbeck,Citrus sinensis Osbeck cv. ‘Anliu’, Bingtang Sweet Orange and Guicheng No.1 Orange at the genetic coefficient of 0.819. Based on above results, leaf morphology of sweet oranges can be used as one of the basic basis for classification of sweet orange varieties.Combining leaf morphological markers and SCoT molecular markers can further clarify the genetic relationship of the the seedless variant of sweet orange which is a common sweet orange and is probably derived from the seedless and high quality germination of Chuncheng.
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