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Effect of 1- Methylcyclopropene on quality of “Nantianhuang” banana fruit stored under high temperature
投稿时间:2019-01-31  修订日期:2019-05-05
中文关键词:  香蕉  1-MCP  高温  催熟  食用品质
英文关键词:banana  1-MCP  High temperature  ripening  edible quality
李敏 中国热带农业科学院环境与植物保护研究所 海口 
高兆银 中国热带农业科学院环境与植物保护研究所 海口 
邹冬梅 中国热带农业科学院分析测试中心 海口 
赵德庆 海南大学热带农林学院 海口
海南大学热带农林学院 海口 
苏子寒 海南大学热带农林学院 食品学院 
李春霞 中国热带农业科学院环境与植物保护研究所 海口 
胡美姣* 中国热带农业科学院环境与植物保护研究所 海口 
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全文下载次数: 2435
      本文以秋季采收的“南天黄”香蕉为试材,研究了1-MCP香蕉专用保鲜包对高温(30℃)下分别放置10 ,15,20 d及乙烯催熟后香蕉果实品质变化的影响。结果表明,1-MCP处理10,15,20 d后果实硬度,可溶性淀粉及原果胶含量显著高于对照果,可溶性固形物、可溶性糖、可溶性果胶含量显著低于对照果。在20℃低温催熟及贮藏期间,1-MCP处理10 d果实表现为在贮藏期间果实硬度、可溶性淀粉、原果胶含量急速降低,可溶性固形物、可溶性糖含量急速上升,同期的对照果则表现为硬度、可溶性淀粉、原果胶含量缓慢降低,可溶性固形物、可溶性糖含量缓慢上升。至第7 d时,1-MCP处理与对照果上述指标相比基本没有显著差异。1-MCP处理10 d果实的色泽表现为L值和b值与同期对照果没有差异,但a值显著高于对照果。20℃低温催熟后贮藏期间,1-MCP处理15 d果实与10 d果实表现出相同的趋势。1-MCP处理20 d 果实在催熟贮藏过程中,硬度、可溶性淀粉、原果胶、可溶性固形物的变化趋势与1-MCP处理10和15 d果实相似,但处理20 d果实的可溶性糖含量一直保持较低水平。综合分析认为,60 ng/kg 1-MCP香蕉专用保鲜包处理“南天黄”香蕉高温放置15 d以内,20℃催熟及贮藏,既可增强果实的耐贮运特性,又能使催熟后果实正常软化、转色、保持较好的食用品质。
      The effects of paper bag containing 1-Methylcyclopropene (1-MCP) treatment on quality of "Nan tian huang" banana fruit harvested in autumn stored at high temperature (30 ℃)for 10, 15 and 20 days respectively, were studied. The results showed that 1-MCP treatment delayed the degradation of the firmness, soluble starch and propectin significantly. and resulted in an increasing of total soluble solids, soluble sugar and soluble pectin. During the period of ripening and storage period at 20 ℃, The firmness, soluble starch and pectin content of 1-MCP treated 10 day fruits reduced sharply, and soluble solids, soluble sugar content increased sharply too. Meanwhile, the firmness, soluble starch, pectin content of control treated 10 days fruits were reduced slowly, and total soluble solid, soluble sugar content risen slowly too, until at the seven storage day, there was no significant difference between 1- MCP treatment and the control treatment in terms of the above indicators basically. There was no difference between 1- MCP and control treated 10 day fruits about L value and b value, while a value of 1- MCP treated 10 day fruits was significantly higher than that of control fruits at the same time point. fruits treated with 1-MCP at 30 ℃ for 15 days had similar trend of ripening to that treated with1-MCP for 10 days. During ripening process of fruit treated with 1-MCP at 30 ℃ for 20 days, the changes of firmness, soluble starch, pectin and soluble solids were similar to those of fruits treated with 1-MCP for 10 and 15 days, but those soluble sugar content treated with 1-MCP for 20 days fruits remained at a low level. Above all, treated with 60 ng/kg 1-MCP treatment at 30 ℃ for 15 days, followed by ripened and stored at 20 ℃, the storability of those fruits was strengthened, the fruits could turn to soft, yellow normally, and keep edible quality good.
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