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陈 莉.皂化改性菠萝皮生物吸附剂对TVOC的吸附?[J].中国南方果树,2019,48(5):
Adsorption of TVOC by saponifying modified pineapple peel biosorbent
投稿时间:2019-04-21  修订日期:2019-07-08
中文关键词:  皂化  改性菠萝皮  TVOC  吸附性能  吸附机理
英文关键词:Saponification  Modified pineapple peel  TVOC  adsorption performance  adsorption mechanism
陈 莉* 运城学院 生命科学系 运城市 
摘要点击次数: 1787
全文下载次数: 2229
      对农林废弃物菠萝皮进行化学改性处理,以去除大气中的TVOC有害气体,减轻大气污染的同时实现废弃物的多次循坏再利用,为吸附剂的研究与空气净化提供借鉴。利用二次正交旋转回归以及单因素实验对皂化改性菠萝皮吸附剂的制备工艺以及吸附条件优化;对渣粒径、温度和加入量进行单因素分析;利用吸附等温、动力模型拟合试验探究机理;通过BET、SEM及FTIR对样品进行表征;采用横向对比试验与其他材料对比吸附效果并探讨吸附剂的重复利用能力。结果表明:无水乙醇与氢氧化钠体积比为1:2.8,浸泡时间为6 h,离心时间为13 min,预测值Ymax=8.2759%;渣粒径60目、温度22℃、加入量3g为最佳单因素条件;吸附过程更符合Freundlich等温模型(R2=0.9926),吸附状态为多分子层多位点吸附;遵循二级动力学模型(R2=0.9757),即以化学吸附为主的物理化学双重吸附过程;比表面积显著增大、孔隙率升高,表面褶皱增多,且酰胺N-H基团、-OH等有效基团参与吸附;横向对比试验证明吸附效果在1%水平上显著优于其他四种吸附材料,即改性菠萝皮>硅藻土>活性炭>竹炭>树脂,且至少可重复利用7次以上。
      The chemical modification of the pineapple peel of agricultural and forestry wastes was carried out to remove the harmful gases of TVOC in the atmosphere, reduced atmospheric pollution and realized the repeated recycling of wastes, which provided reference for the research and air purification of adsorbents. The preparation process and adsorption conditions of saponified modified pineapple peel were optimized by quadratic orthogonal rotation regression and single factor experiments. Perform a single factor analysis, including particle size, temperature, and amount added; Using the adsorption isothermal and dynamic model to fit the experimental exploration mechanism; The samples were characterized by BET, SEM and FTIR; The transverse contrast test was used to compare the adsorption effect with other materials and to explore the reutilization ability of the adsorbent. The results showed that the volume ratio of absolute ethanol to sodium hydroxide was 1:2.8, the soaking time was 6 h, the centrifugation time was 13 min, and the predicted value Ymax=8.2759%; The particle size was 60 mesh, the temperature is 22 ℃, and the addition amount of 3 g was the best single factor condition; The adsorption process was more in line with the Freundlich isotherm model (R2=0.9926), and the adsorption state is multi-molecular multi-site adsorption; Followed the quasi-secondary kinetic model (R2=0.9757), the physicochemical double adsorption process based on chemisorption; The specific surface area was significantly increased, the porosity was increased, the surface wrinkles were increased, and effective groups such as amide N-H groups and -OH were involved in adsorption; The transverse contrast test proved that the adsorption effect was significantly better than the other four adsorbent materials at the 1% level, namely modified pineapple peel > diatomite > activated carbon > bamboo charcoal > resin, and at least 7 times can be reused.
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