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Effects of Plant Growth Regulator Treatments on Grape Berry Quality
投稿时间:2019-04-21  修订日期:2019-04-21
中文关键词:  GA3 CPPU SM 果实膨大  葡萄品质
英文关键词:Gibberellic  acid CPPU  Streptomycin Seedless  fruit Fruit  expansion quality
梁晓文 华南农业大学园艺学院 
陈潇 华南农业大学园艺学院 
谢斌霞 华南农业大学园艺学院 
周颖怡 华南农业大学园艺学院 
陆洁梅 广州市农业技术推广中心 
黄旭明* 华南农业大学园艺学院 
摘要点击次数: 1831
全文下载次数: 2368
      本试验以‘夏黑’和‘阳光玫瑰’为试材,观测了赤霉素(GA3)、吡效隆(CPPU)和链霉素(SM)处理对果实品质的影响。以8 mg/L GA3 + 4 mg/L CPPU分别在花后1周、2周和3周处理‘夏黑’果穗,结果表明随着处理时间的推迟,膨大果实的效应减弱;各时期处理均提高果形指数,而对可溶性固形物、总酸和果实硬度无显著影响,但膨大效果的提高伴随着色的降低。‘阳光玫瑰’在盛花前1周单独以200 mg/L SM处理的果实重量、穗重、果实硬度、果形指数、色泽参数与清水对照相比无显著差异,也未显示无核化效应;盛花后1天处理20 mg/L GA3+ 4 mg/L CPPU后,无核化显著增加,高达95%,单粒、单穗重、果实硬度、果形指数有所提高;盛花前1周处理SM 200 mg/L+盛花后1d处理20 mg/L GA3+ 4 mg/L CPPU使‘阳光玫瑰’无核率达100%,并有利提早成熟,提高可溶性固形物含量,但使单果重、穗重降低,对色泽、总酸含量影响不显著;在盛花后1d处理20 mg/L GA3+ 4 mg/L CPPU 结合盛花后14d处理20 mg/L GA3后,穗重和单果重显著提高,果形指数和果实硬度增加、无核率为80%;在盛花前1周处理200 mg/L SM + 盛花14d处理20 mg/L GA3穗重和果重与对照无显著差异,果实硬度显著提高,无核率为50%;在盛花前1周处理200 mg/L SM + 盛花后1d处理20 mg/L GA3+ 4 mg/L CPPU + 盛花14d处理20 mg/L GA3后,穗重、果重、果形指数提高,无核率为93.3%。以上结果表明,葡萄发育早期(花后2周内)是膨大果实的关键时期。盛花后1d 是GA3+CPPU处理诱导无核化的关键时期,配合花前1周处理SM无核化效果更佳,但SM并不能单独诱导无核化;无核化处理后,花后2周内再做GA3处理,才可显著膨大果实,同时明显提高果实硬度。无核化总体上有利于提高浆果可溶性固形物含量。
      This experiment used ‘Summer Black’ and ‘Shine Muscat’ table grapes as the materials to examine the effects of different treatments of plant grow regulators including gibberellic acid (GA3), forchlorfenuron (CPPU) and streptomycin (SM) on berry quality. In the summer crop of ‘Summer black’, 8 mg/L GA3 + 4 mg/LCPPU was applied to the clusters at 1, 2 and 3 weeks after full bloom (WAFB). The results showed that with the delaying of the regulator treatment, berry expansion effect reduced but berry hardness increased. Berry expansion increased with decrease of coloration. In the winter crop of ‘Shine Muscat’, treatments with 200 mg/L SM applied to the panicle 1 week before full bloom (WAFB), 20 mg/L GA3 + 4 mg/L CPPU applied 1 day after full bloom (DAFB), and 20 mg/L GA3 applied 14 days after full bloom were tested alone or combined. The results showed that treatment of SM alone failed to induce seedlessness and had no significant effect on berry size, fruit shape index, fruit firmness and titratable acid. Application of 20 mg/L GA3 + 4 mg/L CPPU 1 DAFB significantly increased fruit size, reduced the content of titratable acid, and induced a seedless berry rate of 95%. The combined treatment of SM 200 mg/L 1 WBFB and 20 mg/LGA3 + 4 mg/LCPPU 1 DAFB induced 100% seedless berries and advanced berry maturation, but had no significant difference in the content of soluble solids and acids and in color. This treatment reduced fruit size. Without pretreatment of SM, the combined treatment of 20 mg/LGA3 + 4 mg/LCPPU at 1 DAFB and GA320 mg/L at 14 DAFB significantly enlarged the berry and increased berry firmness as well as a seedless rate of 80%. However, with the pretreatment of SM, the combined treatment of 20 mg/LGA3 + 4 mg/LCPPU at 1 DAFB and GA320 mg/L at 14 DAFB also significantly increased berry size and firmness with a seedless fruit rate of 93.3%. The above results showed that the period within 2 WAFB is critical for treatment to increase berry size in ‘Summer Black’. 1 DAFB is critical time for inducing seedless berry with GA3 and CPPU, and with the pretreatment of SM, seedless berry rate can be further increased in ‘Shine Muscat’. However, the induced seedless berries are small in size and need a secondary GA3 treatment at 2 WAFB to increase berry size as well as firmness. Seedlessness generally increases TSS content in mature berries.
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