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A Study on the Effects of ‘Jingbaili’ Fruit Shape and Quality at Different Fruit Positions of Inflorescence
投稿时间:2019-04-28  修订日期:2019-09-04
中文关键词:  京白梨  花序  不同留果序位  果实形状  品质
英文关键词:Jingbaili  inflorescence  different order of fruit retention  fruit shape  quality
刘春* 淮北师范大学 
摘要点击次数: 1869
全文下载次数: 2390
      The purpose of this experiment was to study the differences of fruit shape,size and quality of‘Jingbaili’in different inflorescence positions. So as to provide practical reference for the selection of flower thinning and fruit thinning in the cultivation and management of ‘Jingbaili’. In this study, ‘Jingbaili’ was used as experimental material. Flowering at different inflorescence positions of 1-7 inflorescence was thinned during full blooming period, The inflorescence of'Jingbaili'is corymbose, if one inflorescence is reserved, all other inflorescences are removed, according to this method, flowers at inflorescence positions of 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 were reserved respectively, and then pollinated artificially to ensure their fruiting rate, the pollinating tree is ‘snowflake pear’. The results showed that: (1) In the process of fruit growth and development, the sum of transverse and vertical diameters and 3 inflorescence positions were the largest, followed by 4 inflorescence positions and the smallest 7 inflorescence positions; The fruit shape index of 2 inflorescence positions was the closest to oblate circle, and the fruit shape index of 3 inflorescence positions was the closest to oblate circle; the length of fruit stalk had little difference among treatments, and the change trend of fruit stalk length increased with the increase of inflorescence positions. There was no significant difference between 1-4 and 5-7 order positions of pedicel diameter, and the trend of overall change was decreasing with the increase of inflorescence position. The length of petiole in 5 order was the smallest, and the diameter of petiole in 1 order was the thickest. There were significant differences in the quality of single fruit. The quality of single fruit in 1 order was the largest, followed by 3 order and 2 order. (2) The results showed that the stem diameter of ‘Jingbaili’ was positively correlated with fruit transverse diameter and titratable acid content, but negatively correlated with fruit shape index and fruit firmness. The length of fruit stalk was negatively correlated with transverse diameter and single fruit quality. (3) There were no significant differences in core ratio, stone cell content, soluble solids content and VC content between 1-7 order fruits in different inflorescence setting quality tests. Flavonoid content in 2 order fruits was the highest, followed by 1-5 order fruits, and the lowest was 7 order fruits. The difference of fruit firmness was significant, and the firmness of 1-7 order fruits decreased in turn, among which the firmness of 1 order fruits was the highest. The hardness of fruit in order 3 and 5 was the highest, and that of fruit in order 2 was the lowest. The content of titratable acid in order 1-4 was not significantly different from that in order 5-7. The content of titratable acid in order 1-4 was significantly different from that in order 5-7. According to the fruit shape characteristics and fruit quality of different inflorescence positions in the test results, it is better to retain the low inflorescence and fruit of 2-4 order in the selection of thinning flowers and fruit, which can ensure the best appearance and quality of the fruit of ‘Jingbaili’ to the greatest extent, and thus improve the economic value of ‘Jingbaili’.
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