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Effects of sticky traps on suspension mode to Bactrocera dorsalis Hendel
投稿时间:2019-05-06  修订日期:2019-05-29
中文关键词:  实蝇粘虫板  悬挂方式  桔小实蝇  诱杀效果
英文关键词:fruit fly sticky traps  suspension mode  Bactrocera dorsalis  trapping effect
龚碧涯 湖南省园艺研究所 
刘慧 湖南省园艺研究所 
向敏 湖南省园艺研究所 
刘娟 湖南省园艺研究所 
肖伏莲* 湖南省园艺研究所 
杨水芝 湖南省园艺研究所 
戴长庚 贵州省植物保护研究所 
李先信 湖南省园艺研究所 
摘要点击次数: 1820
全文下载次数: 2261
      To improve the trapping effect of sticky traps on Bactrocera dorsalis, and reduce the trapping to natural enemy, in order to provide reference bases for hanging the sticky traps scientifically. We set fruit fly sticky traps with 4 suspension mode, that the side of viscose is vertical to the ground in the middle part of the canopy, parallel to the ground downwards in the lower part of the canopy, parallel to the ground upwards in the lower part of the canopy, and parallel to the ground upwards in the upper parts of the canopy respectively, the species and quantity of Bactrocera dorsalis, other pests and natural enemy were surveyed on different fruit fly sticky traps. The result show that 20 insect species were lured in 4 treatment, of that the trapping species, natural enemy and diversity index were highest by vertical to the ground in the middle part of the canopy, the predator/prey ratio was highest by parallel to the ground upwards in the lower part of the canopy; the trapping number of fruit fly sticky traps hanged by vertical to the ground in the middle part of the canopy and parallel to the ground downwards in the lower part of the canopy were significantly higher than it hanged by parallel to the ground upwards in the lower part of the canopy and parallel to the ground upwards in the upper parts of the canopy (p<0.05); it had a good attract effect to syrphids by parallel to the ground upwards in the lower part of the canopy and parallel to the ground upwards in the upper parts of the canopy. Therefore, the best suspension mode to fruit fly sticky traps on field were hanged by vertical to the ground in the middle part of the canopy and parallel to the ground downwards in the lower part of the canopy; but it was better for natural enemies to adopt the suspension mode as hanged by parallel to the ground downwards in the lower part of the canopy.
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