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Budding and growth of ‘Shine Muscat’ grapevine in vitro grafted on different rootstocks with hardwoods
投稿时间:2019-06-05  修订日期:2019-06-05
中文关键词:  ‘阳光玫瑰’  砧木  离体嫁接  生长势  矿质营养
英文关键词:‘Shine Muscat’ Grape  rootstocks  in vitro grafting  tree vigor  mineral nutrition
黄旭明* 华南农业大学 
谢斌霞 华南农业大学 
李志远 华南农业大学 
梁晓文 华南农业大学 
汤艳霞 华南农业大学 
葛洁瑜 华南农业大学 
陆洁梅 华南农业大学 
摘要点击次数: 1813
全文下载次数: 2248
      近年广东发展葡萄取得了显著的经济效益。‘阳光玫瑰’葡萄以其优异的品质和丰产特性深受消费者和种植者喜爱,正在取代传统优势品种‘巨峰’。健康优质的苗木供应是保障‘阳光玫瑰’葡萄发展的重要前提。本研究采用硬枝离体嫁接方式将‘阳光玫瑰’嫁接在不同砧木上(‘5BB’、‘夏黑’、‘贝达’、‘3309C’及‘SO4’),然后进行扦插。观察嫁接不同砧木的‘阳光玫瑰’葡萄萌芽进程、苗木长势、净光合速率和矿质营养状况,以期提高育苗效率,筛选适合广东的优质砧木。结果发现不同砧木的离体嫁接株萌芽率和成活率相差较大,其中,萌芽率以‘SO4’砧植株最高,其次为‘3309C’和‘5BB’,而‘贝达’最低;成活率则是‘3309C’最高,其次为‘SO4’和‘夏黑’,‘贝达’也是最低。总体上,离体硬枝嫁接方式成活率并不高,技术有待进一步完善。 在成活的植株中,‘5BB’和‘3309C’植株长势最强,其次为‘贝达’和‘SO4’,‘夏黑’最弱。‘阳光玫瑰’叶片光合速率在‘SO4’最高,而在‘5BB’上最低,但不同砧木间并无显著差异。‘5BB’、‘3309C’砧植株长势最强,其次为‘SO4’和‘贝达’,而‘夏黑’砧植株最弱;砧木对‘阳光玫瑰’叶片部分矿质营养有一定影响,例如‘5BB’砧木植株Zn、Fe和Mn最高,而B较低;‘3309C’和‘贝达’对B和Mg吸收强;‘夏黑’对P和K吸收强,但对Ca、Mg、Cu和Mn的吸收较弱。总体来看,‘3309C’和‘SO4’砧木与‘阳光玫瑰’离体硬枝嫁接较易成功,从长势看,‘5BB’ 和‘3309C’是‘阳光玫瑰’的优良砧木。基于砧木对营养吸收的偏好性,不同砧木的养分管理应有所差异。
      In recent years, grape industry in Guangdong has achieved significant economic benefits. ''Shine Muscat '' grape is highly favored by growers as well as consumers, and has been gradually replacing the traditional ''Kyoho'' grape. The supply of healthy and high-quality seedlings is an important prerequisite for the development of the ''Shine Muscat'' grape in the province. In this study, in vitro grafting with hardwoods of both the scions of ''Shine Muscat '' grape and rootstocks of ''5BB'', '' Summer Black '', ''Beta'', ''3309C'' and ''SO4'' was used to produce grafted cuttings. The budding of the scion, survival of the grafted cuttings and shoot growth of the grafted plants were recorded. Photosynthetic rate and mineral nutrients of plants on different rootstocks were analyzed. The study aimed to improve grafting efficiency and selection of suitable rootstocks for '' Shine Muscat'' in Guangdong. The results showed that budding rate was the highest in ‘SO4’, followed by ‘3309C’ and ‘5BB’, and ‘Beta’ had the lowest budding rate. Survival rate was the highest in ‘3309C’, followed in order by ‘SO4’ and ‘Summer Black’ and ‘Beta’ was the lowest. In general, in vitro hardwood grafting had a low survival rate and needs improvement. Tree vigor was highest in ‘5BB’ and ‘3309C’, followed by ‘SO4’ and’ Beta’, while ‘Summer Black’ was the lowest. Photosynthetic was the highest in ‘SO4’ and lowest in ‘Beta’, but there was no significant difference among rootstocks. Rootstocks display preference in nutrition uptake. Plants on ''5BB'' rootstock had the highest Zn, Fe and Mn but the lowest B. Plants on ''3309C'' and ''Beta'' had the highest Mg. Plants on ''Summer Black '' rootstock had the highest P and K but the lowest Ca, Mg, Cu and Mn. In summary, in vitro hardwood grafting achieves a relatively high success when ‘3309C’ and ‘SO4’ rootstocks are used. When tree vigor is considered, we recommend ''5BB'' and ''3309C'' and ''SO4'' as the rootstocks for ''Shine Muscat''. Based on the nutrition uptake preference of rootstocks, different nutrition management should be adopted for vines on different rootstocks.
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