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王 蓉,张露瑶,谭丰全,李超超,解凯东,伍小萌,郭文武,郭大勇.5种砧木对‘华农本地早’橘和‘国庆1号’温州蜜柑营养生长及果实品质的影响[J].中国南方果树,2019,48(6):
Rootstock effects on plant growth and fruit quality of ‘GuoqingNo.1’ Satsuma mandarin and ‘Huanong Bendizao’ tangerine
投稿时间:2019-09-04  修订日期:2019-09-25
中文关键词:  柑橘  砧木  ‘华农本地早’橘  ‘国庆1号’温州蜜柑  果实品质
英文关键词:Citrus  rootstock  ‘Huanong Bendizao’ tangerine  ‘GuoqingNo.1’ Satsuma mandarin  fruit quality
基金项目:本研究受国家重点研发计划项目(2017YFD0202001)、华中农业大学自主创新基金项目(2662018PY007)等项 目资助
王 蓉 华中农业大学园艺林学学院 
张露瑶 中国科学院分子植物科学卓越创新中心 
谭丰全 华中农业大学生命科学技术学院 
李超超 华中农业大学园艺林学学院 
解凯东 花中农业大学园艺林学学院 
伍小萌 华中农业大学园艺林学学院 
郭文武 华中农业大学园艺林学学院 
郭大勇* 华中农业大学园艺林学学院 
摘要点击次数: 1944
全文下载次数: 2503
      本研究对武汉地区嫁接于枳、枳橙、枳柚、资阳香橙和红橘的‘华农本地早’橘(BDZ)和‘国庆1号’温州蜜柑(G1)的树冠体积、砧穗亲和性等营养生长参数,以及TSS、TA及TSS/TA等果实品质指标进行了测定和评价。5种砧木对G1和BDZ营养生长及果实品质的影响差异显著。营养生长方面,比较G1和BDZ的树冠大小发现枳柚、红橘>枳橙、香橙>枳;嫁接于枳柚的BDZ的树冠体积2018年达24.5 m3,树势较强;而枳仅为枳柚的1/3,矮化效果明显,树势较弱。BDZ与枳柚的亲和性较差,G1与红橘的亲和性较差,BDZ和G1与枳橙、枳、香橙的亲和性均较好。果实品质方面,嫁接于枳及枳橙的G1和BDZ果实TSS相比嫁接于枳柚、红橘和香橙的较高,2018年BDZ果实TSS分别为枳13.0%、枳橙12.2%、枳柚11.6%、红橘10.8%和香橙10.3%。果实TA在枳柚砧上较高,红橘砧上较低,另3种砧木居中;2016年嫁接于枳柚的BDZ果实TA高达1.1%,红橘上仅为0.7%。嫁接于枳、枳橙、红橘的果实TSS/TA相比香橙、枳柚高,2018年BDZ果实TSS/TA分别为枳14.9、枳橙14.9、红橘14.1、香橙13.6和枳柚10.9。综合评价表明,枳、枳橙和香橙砧木可以使接穗品种果实品质优良、树体矮化或树势中庸,且与接穗嫁接亲和性较好,是武汉地区宽皮橘的适宜砧木。
      In order to evaluate rootstock effects on vegetative growth and fruit quality of mandarin/tangerine scions, we measured and compared the canopy volume, rootstock-scion compatibility, total soluble solid content (TSS), titratable acidity (TA) and TSS/TA of ‘Huanong Bendizao’ tangerine (BDZ) (Citrus reticulata.) and ‘Guoqing No.1’ Satsuma mandarin (G1) (Citrus unshiu Marc.) grown on trifoliate orange (Poncirus trifoliata (L.) Raf.) citrange (Citrus sinensis × P. trifoliata), citrumelo (C. paradisi × P. trifoliata), Ziyang xiangcheng (Citrus. junos) and red tangerine (citrus reticulate Blanco) over two harvest seasons (2016-18) in Wuhan. The canopy volume of BDZ and G1 grown on citrumelo and red tangerine was larger than that on citrange and Ziyang xiangcheng, whereas trifoliate orange produced dwarf trees. The canopy volume of BDZ grafted on citrumelo was 24.5 m3 in 2018, three times of that on trifoliate orange. The compatibility between BDZ and citrumelo and that between G1 and red tangerine were not as good as those between the two scions and the other three rootstocks, including citrange, trifoliate orange and Ziyang xiangcheng. The fruit TSS of BDZ and G1 grown on trifoliate orange and citrange was higher than that on citrumelo, red tangerine and Ziyang xiangcheng. For instance, the fruit TSS of BDZ on trifoliate orange (13.0%), citrange (12.2%), citrumelo (11.6%), red tangerine (10.8%) and Ziyang xiangcheng (10.3%) decreased progressively in 2018. The fruit TA of BDZ and G1 on citrumelo was high, whereas that on red tangerine was low, and that on the other three rootstocks was at a moderate level. For example, the fruit TA of BDZ on citrumelo was 1.1% in 2016, whereas on red tangerine it was 0.7%. The fruit TSS/TA on trifoliate orange (14.9), citrange (14.9) and red tangerine (14.1) was higher than that on Ziyang xiangcheng (13.6) and citrumelo (10.9) in 2018. In summary, the five rootstocks have variable effects on vegetative growth and fruit quality of G1 and BDZ. Trifoliate orange, citrange and Ziyang xiangcheng were considered to be the superior rootstocks for mandarin/tangerine grown in Wuhan, because the scions on them showed dwarf and moderate tree vigor, good compatibility, and good fruit quality.
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