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Fungicides screening to prevent and control of fruit drop and rot of Myrica rubra
投稿时间:2019-09-26  修订日期:2019-11-05
中文关键词:  杨梅  落果  烂果  货架期  药剂
英文关键词:Myrica rubra  fruit dropping  rotten fruit  shelf life  fungicide
李伟龙* 临海市蔬菜技术推广站 
周晓肖 临海市农业技术推广中心 
摘要点击次数: 1808
全文下载次数: 1
      为筛选出减少杨梅落果、烂果,延长货架期的高效药剂,科学指导杨梅生产,进行了采前4种药剂田间试验。结果表明:防控采前落果试验,同种药剂2次处理效果优于1次处理,42.8 %氟菌·肟菌酯SC减少落果效果最佳,1 500倍效果优于2 000倍,其次为325 g/L苯甲·嘧菌酯SC 1 500倍和250 g/L吡唑醚菌酯SC 2 000倍,500 g/L氟啶胺SC 1 500倍减少落果效果相对低;由于试验过程中树上未见烂果,未观察到药剂对采前烂果防控效果;采后静置贮藏保鲜效果试验,同种药剂2次处理效果优于1次处理,42.8 %氟菌·肟菌酯SC 1 500倍和500 g/L氟啶胺SC 1 500倍对杨梅采后保鲜效果较好,能延长货架期,250 g/L吡唑醚菌酯SC 2 000倍有一定效果,42.8 %氟菌·肟菌酯SC 2 000倍和325 g/L苯甲·嘧菌酯SC 1 500倍效果较低。采前科学合理用药,对杨梅安全生产具有重要意义。
      In order to screen out effective fungicides to reduce fruit drop and rot,meanwhile,prolong shelf life of Myrica rubra,four kinds of fungicides were tested before harvest in the field to guide production scientifically. The results showed that in the experiment of controlling fruit drop before harvest,the control effect of two treatments with the same agent was better than that of one treatment. Fluopyram·trifloxystrobin 42.8 % suspension had best excellent control effect,which 1 500 times was better than 2 000 times,followed by difenoconazole·azoxystrobin 325 g/L suspension after 1 500 times and pyraclostrobin 250 g/L suspension after 2 000 times,and the control effect of Fluazinam 500 g/L suspension after 1 500 times was relatively low. Because no rotten fruit was found on the trees during the experiment,it wasn’t clear the control effect of 4 fungicides against the rotten fruit before harvest. In the experiment of efficacy on postharvest storage and preservation,the control effect of two treatments with the same agent was better than that of one treatment. Fluopyram·trifloxystrobin 42.8 % suspension after 1 500 times had best excellent control effect on postharvest preservation and could prolong shelf life. Fluazinam 500 g/L suspension after 1 500 times was as effective as it. Pyraclostrobin 250 g/L suspension after 2 000 times had certain control effect,and that of Fluopyram·trifloxystrobin 42.8 % suspension after 2 000 times and difenoconazole·azoxystrobin 325 g/L suspension after 1 500 times were relatively low. Scientific and rational use of fungicides before harvest is of great significance to the safe production of Myrica rubra.
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