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姚伟祥,兰玉彬,郭 爽,李继宇,陈盛德,梁小文.有人驾驶直升机对赣南山地柑橘树喷雾效果的试验[J].中国南方果树,2020,49(2):
Experiment on Spray Effect of Manned Helicopter on Mountain Citrus Trees in Gannan
投稿时间:2019-10-24  修订日期:2019-12-05
中文关键词:  有人驾驶直升机  航空喷雾  柑橘树  农药  雾滴沉积
英文关键词:manned helicopter  aerial spraying  citrus tree  pesticides  droplet deposition
姚伟祥 华南农业大学工程学院 
兰玉彬* 华南农业大学国家精准农业航空施药技术国际联合研究中心 
郭 爽 华南农业大学工程学院 
李继宇 华南农业大学工程学院 
陈盛德 华南农业大学国家精准农业航空施药技术国际联合研究中心 
梁小文 江西天祥通用航空股份有限公司 
摘要点击次数: 1777
全文下载次数: 2265
      为了探究有人驾驶直升机对赣南山地柑橘果园航空喷雾防治柑橘木虱的雾滴沉积效果,进行了相关试验。研究了Bell206L4直升机以常规作业参数对山地柑橘树进行盘旋式飞行喷雾作业时,不同山体采样区域及果树采样位置的雾滴沉积分布情况。结果表明:当设定单位面积喷施量为15 L/hm2、直升机飞行高度为距树顶10 m及飞行速度为120 km/h时,建议直升机配套选用CP04航空喷头,此时总喷施流量为123.42 L/min,雾滴粒径DV0.5处于200~300 μm的喷雾粒径区间;在上述作业条件下,直升机喷雾对于整座山体的平均雾滴沉积量为0.896 μL/cm2,雾滴分布均匀性为60.82%;经对比分析,雾滴沉积量与雾滴沉积分布均匀性由山体顶部至山体下部呈现先增加后减少的趋势。对于各特征果树,雾滴沉积量由果树上层至果树下层呈现逐层减少的趋势,果树上层与下层的极差高达1.290 μL/cm2;同时,处于山体底部位置的特征果树雾滴穿透性要明显优于山体中部和顶部。研究结果有助于提升直升机对柑橘的喷雾作业质量,可以为优化航空施药方案提供指导与参考。
      In order to explore the aerial spray deposition effect of manned helicopters on Asian citrus psyllid in Gannan, the relevant experiments were carried out. The droplet distribution in different mountain sampling areas and fruit tree sampling points during the spiral flying spray operation of mountain citrus trees by the Bell206L4 helicopter was studied. The results showed that when the spray per unit area was set to 15 L/hm2, the helicopter flight height was 10 m from the tree top and the flight speed was 120 km/h, the CP04 aerial nozzle was recommended to be equipped, and the total spray flow rate was 123.42 L/min, the DV0.5 of droplet was in the range of 200~300 μm; Under the above operating conditions, the average droplet deposition amount of the whole mountain was 0.896 μL/cm2, and the uniformity of droplet distribution was 60.82%; Through comparative analysis, the droplet deposition volume and the uniformity showed the trend of increasing from the top of the mountain to the lower part of the mountain. For the citrus trees at each sampling point, the droplet deposition volume decreased from the upper layer to the lower layer of the fruit tree and the difference between the upper layer and the lower layer was as high as 1.290 μL/cm2. At the same time, the citrus tree at the bottom of the mountain was more penetrating than the citrus tree in the middle and top of the mountain. The results of the study would help improve the quality of helicopter spray operations on citrus, and can provide guidance and reference for optimizing aviation application programs.
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