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涂贵庆,廖光联,刘 青,李帮明,黄春辉,贾东峰,赵尚高,徐小彪.中华猕猴桃黄肉新品种‘奉黄1号’的生物学特性及其主要栽培技术[J].中国南方果树,2020,49(2):
Main biological characteristics and cultivation techniques of new cultivar ‘Fenghuang 1’ (Actinidia chinensis)
投稿时间:2019-11-05  修订日期:2019-12-03
中文关键词:  ‘奉黄1号’  中华猕猴桃  生物学性状  栽培技术
英文关键词:‘Fenghuang 1’  Actinidia chinensis  Biological characters  cultivation techniques
基金项目:江西省科技厅重点研发计划(20192ACB60002); 江西省猕猴桃产业技术体系建设专项(JXARS-05)
涂贵庆 江西省奉新县猕猴桃研究所 
廖光联 江西农业大学猕猴桃研究所 
刘 青 江西农业大学猕猴桃研究所 
李帮明 江西省奉新县猕猴桃研究所 
黄春辉 江西农业大学猕猴桃研究所 
贾东峰 江西农业大学猕猴桃研究所 
赵尚高 江西省奉新县猕猴桃研究所 
徐小彪* 江西农业大学猕猴桃研究所 
摘要点击次数: 1869
全文下载次数: 2263
      以中华猕猴桃‘奉黄1号’为研究材料,‘金丰’(亲本)和‘金果’(相似品种)为试验对照,对其主要生物学特性进行了系统观测与分析,以探明中华猕猴桃黄肉新品种‘奉黄1号’的生长发育规律与开发利用价值,可为其推广栽培及制定合理的栽培管理措施提供理论依据。研究表明,在江西省宜春市奉新县地区,‘奉黄1号’初花期在4月中旬,盛花期在4月下旬,果实成熟期在9月下旬,中熟、四倍体;果实宽椭圆形,果形指数为1.56;果实可溶性固形物含量为18.73%,干物质含量为18.96%;可溶性糖含量为7.68%,可滴定酸含量为1.15%,抗坏血酸含量为53.72 mg/100g;果肉呈金黄色,肉质细嫩,风味甜香。该品种在奉新地区表现出适应性强、抗性强、丰产、优质、综合性状良好等特点。本品种在无霜期140 d以上,≥10℃积温达1600℃以上的地方均可栽培。宜选择海拔800 m以下,pH6.0~7.0,土壤有机质含量丰富、疏松肥沃、灌溉方便的砂质土壤建园。成龄猕猴桃园一般每年施肥2~3次,萌芽肥以速效N肥为主,壮果肥以速效P、K肥为主,秋季基肥以有机肥为主。架式宜采用水平大棚架。株行距3~3.5 m×4~5 m,雌雄株比例为8:1,授粉雄株宜用‘奉雄2号’。蕾期及时折梢修剪、幼果期及时疏果与套袋。采用单干双主蔓多侧蔓整形方式,冬季修剪时可采用长蔓修剪法,短截、疏删与回缩相结合。
      In this study, ‘Fenghuang 1’ was used as the experimental material, ‘Jinfeng’ and ‘Jinguo’ was used as the control material. The main economic characters were preliminarily identified and the dynamic changes of fruit quality and sugar and acid content during fruit growth and development were investigated in order to provide a theoretical basis for exploring the scientific cultivation methods for regulating the nutritional components of fruits. The results showed that the early flowering period of ‘Fenghuang 1’ was in the middle of April, the full flowering period was in late April, and the fruit ripening stage was in late September in Fengxin county. The ability of resistance to canker disease was higher than that of ‘Jinfeng’ and ‘Jinguo’. High yield; the content of soluble solids and dry matter were 18.73% and 18.96% respectively. The soluble sugar content was higher (7.68%), titrable acid content was lower (1.15%), ascorbic acid content was 53.72 mg/100g, and the flavor was sweet. To sum up, ‘Fenghuang 1’ shows strong adaptability, strong resistance, high yield, high sugar and good comprehensive characters in Fengxin area. This variety can be cultivated in places where frost-free period is more than 140 days and the accumulated temperature of ≥10℃ is more than 1600℃. It is advisable to build gardens in sandy soil with rich organic matter, loose and fertile soil and convenient irrigation below 800 m above sea level with pH6.0 ~ 7.0. Mature macaque peach garden is generally fertilized 2-3 times a year. The germination fertilizer is mainly quick-acting N fertilizer, the fruit fertilizer is mainly quick-acting P and K fertilizer, and the autumn base fertilizer is mainly organic fertilizer. Frame type appropriate USES horizontal canopy to wear. Plant spacing was 3 ~ 3.5 m×4 ~ 5 m, and the ratio of male to female plants was 8:1. ‘Fengxiong 2’ should be used for pollinating male plants. Pruning and pruning in bud stage, thinning and bagging in young fruit stage. Adopt single stem double main tendril many side tendril shape ways, can use long tip clipping method when winter clip, short cut, thin delete and shrink photograph union.
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