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Optimization Algorithm of Fruit Top Crack Width Index of Wendan Pomelo and Evaluation by the Influence of Orchard Factors
投稿时间:2019-12-11  修订日期:2020-04-24
中文关键词:  文旦柚  果实裂顶  裂宽平均指数  最优算法  果园因素
英文关键词:Wentan pomelo  fruit cracking  fruit crack average index  optimal algorithm  orchard factors
王贤达 福建省农业科学院果树研究所 
范国成 福建省农业科学院果树研究所 
李健* 福建省农业科学院果树研究所 
摘要点击次数: 1779
全文下载次数: 2
      2016~2018年于福建省仙游县度尾文旦柚主产区选择测试200株代表性植株8 660个果实的外观、内质指标。依据果农生产实践经验“扁果多裂与老树多裂”,应用滑动相关法逆向筛选果顶裂宽平均指数(FCAI)算法的最佳裂宽上限(FCWUL),并评价果园因素对FCAI等果实品质的影响。结果表明:①FCAI对果形指数(FSI)的识别优于裂果指数(FCI)、裂宽(FCW)、裂果率(FCR)指标,其最佳裂宽上限(FCWUL)达12 mm,当FCW>12 mm时裂宽生物学意义无区别;②在所有表达裂果程度的指标中仅FCAI12(FCWUL取12 mm求得的FCAI)未呈现年际间显著性差异,相较于其他裂果评价指标具有更稳定的抗干扰能力;③果实发育成熟期7—9月雨量与植株果实的平均可溶性固形物含量负相关,与平均单果质量正相关;④影响FCAI12的主导因素为FSI>SFW且同向负相关 ,而树龄对FCAI12正相关影响且相对居次,其他如海拔高度、土壤类型及7~9月雨量等因素在试验期间3年特定气候条件下的影响皆不显著。推荐12 mm为度尾文旦柚FCAI算法的最佳果顶裂宽上限,其亦为FCW(>0)的90%分位数,此可供其他文旦柚品系FCAI算法参照。
      From 2016 to 2018, 200 representative plants and 8,660 fruits were selected from the main producing areas of DuweiWendan pomelo in Xianyou County, Fujian Province. The appearance and endoplasmic indexes were determined. According to the fruit peasant rumor that "the flat fruit is multi-cracked and the old tree is multi-cracked", the sliding correlation analysis method is used to reversely screen the upper limit of optimal fruit topping crack width (FCWUL) of the average crack width index(FCAI), and evaluate the effect of orchard factors on fruit quality such as FCAI. The results show that: ① The FCAI identifies the FSI better than other crack width indicators,such as fruit crack index (FCI), fruit crack width (FCW), and fruit crack rate (FCR).. When FCW>12mm (90% quantile) ,the biological significance of the crack width is equivalent, so FCWUL=12mm is recommended; ② Among all the indicators expressing the degree of fruit cracking, only FCAI12 did not show the interannual difference, which has more stable anti-interference ability than other cracking fruit evaluation indexes; ③ The rainfall from July to September(Rain789) was negatively correlated with the average soluble solids(TSS) of the fruit, and positively correlated with the average fruit weight(SFW);④ The dominant factor affecting FCAI is FSI, and the age of the tree has a positive correlation with FCAI is secondary. Other factors such as altitude, soil type, and precipitation from the second physiological fruit drop to harvest period did not significantly affect in the three-year specific climatic conditions between trials. Therefore, it is recommended that FCAI12 is the upper limit of the optimal fruit top crack width of DuweiWendan pomelo, which is also the 90% quantile of the crack width when FCW>0, and which can be used as reference algorithms for other Wendan pomelo.
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