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Fruit Growth Rhythm of ‘Jinyan’ Kiwi Fruit andThe Effect of Different Harvest Period on Fruit Quality
投稿时间:2020-02-14  修订日期:2020-02-14
中文关键词:  猕猴桃  生长动态  采收期  果实品质
英文关键词:kiwi fruit  growth pattern  harvest time  fruit quality
基金项目:西昌学院两高项目(项目编号LGLZ201926); 凉山州2017年度科技项目(项目编号17YYJS0139)
李小艳* 西昌学院,凉山州绿康猕猴桃研究所 
杨红 西昌学院,凉山州绿康猕猴桃研究所 
谢谭秋 西昌学院 
刘星谷 凉山州畅兴农业有限责任公司,凉山州绿康猕猴桃研究所 
蔡光泽 西昌学院,凉山州绿康猕猴桃研究所 
摘要点击次数: 1765
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      以‘金艳’猕猴桃为材料,研究其果实生长动态规律及不同采收期(谢花后153 d、168 d、183 d和198 d)(Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ、Ⅳ)的软果品质。结果表明:金艳猕猴桃在凉山州西昌市一般4月中旬进入盛花期;在生育期内,果实尺寸(纵、横径)呈前期逐渐增大,后期趋于平稳的变化,谢花后59 d内为果实快速膨大期,谢花后101 d进入生长缓滞期;随采收期延迟,果实软熟时可溶性固形物、干物质和糖酸比呈逐渐升高的趋势;早期采收(Ⅰ、Ⅱ)果实软熟时可溶性固形物、干物质、糖酸比和总氨基酸偏低,淀粉和粗纤维较高;晚期采收(Ⅲ、Ⅳ期)果实软熟时可溶性固形物、干物质、糖酸比较高,淀粉和粗纤维较低,风味更浓,口感更佳;Ⅳ期维生素C和总氨基酸含量最高,但采收较晚不利于当年鲜果销售;若作为鲜果,其最佳采收期为Ⅲ期,Ⅱ期和Ⅳ期可作为备选采收期;作为保健品加工原料,最佳采收期为Ⅳ期。
      Taking the ‘Jinyan’ kiwi fruit as material, the dynamic law of fruit growth and soft fruit quality in different harvest periods (153 d, 168 d, 183 d and 198 d after anthesisS)(Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ、Ⅳ)were studied. The results showed: ‘Jinyan’ kiwi fruit in Xichang city of Liangshan Prefecture generally entered the blooming period in mid-April. During the child-bearing period, the fruit size (longitudinal and transverse diameters) increased gradually in the early stage and becomes stable in the late stage, 59 days after anthesis, the fruit was in the stage of rapid growth, and 101 days after anthesis, the fruit was in the stage of slow growth. With the delay of harvest period, the soluble solids, dry matter and sugar-acid ratio of soft ripening fruits increased gradually; The soluble solids, dry matter, sugar-acid ratio and total amino acids of soft ripening were lower, while the starch and crude fiber were higher in early harvest stages(Ⅰ、Ⅱ). The soluble solids, dry matter, and sugar-acid ratio of soft ripening fruits were higher, starch and crude fiber were lower, the flavor was stronger and the taste was better in the late harvest stages(Ⅲ、Ⅳ). Vitamin C and total amino acids were the highest in stage Ⅳ. However, late harvest was not conducive to fresh fruit sales; If as fresh fruit, the optimal harvest time was stage Ⅲ, the stages Ⅱ and Ⅳ also could be used as alternative harvest time; As a raw material of health food processing, the best harvest time was stage Ⅳ.
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