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王冰洁,潘 波,姜 蕾,梁敬琦,林 勇.四旋翼无人机作业参数对荔枝冠层雾滴沉积分布的影响[J].中国南方果树,2020,49(6):
Effects of Operating Parameters of Quad-rotor UAV on Droplets Deposition Distribution in Litchi Canopy
投稿时间:2020-02-21  修订日期:2020-04-28
中文关键词:  植保无人机  荔枝树  作业参数  雾滴  沉积分布
英文关键词:plant protection UAV  litchi  operating parameters  droplet  deposition distribution
王冰洁 中国热带农业科学院环境与植物保护研究所 
潘 波 中国热带农业科学院环境与植物保护研究所 
姜 蕾* 中国热带农业科学院环境与植物保护研究所 
梁敬琦 黑龙江八一农垦生命科学技术学院 
林 勇 中国热带农业科学院环境与植物保护研究所 
摘要点击次数: 1789
全文下载次数: 1
      探究四旋翼植保无人机(极飞P20)作业参数对荔枝冠层雾滴沉积分布的影响,可以为构建荔枝园无人机植保技术体系和推动无人机在荔枝生产上的应用提供依据。本文采用3因素(亩用液量、作业高度、作业速度),3水平的正交试验,应用小型四旋翼植保无人机对荔枝树进行喷雾试验,以雾滴测试卡收集每次作业处理后的树冠不同部位雾滴分布信息,使用图像处理软件DepositScan 分析雾滴测试卡的雾滴沉积情况,采用统计学方法计算雾滴沉积密度、单位面积沉积量和雾滴穿透性,获得不同处理条件下雾滴在树冠不同部位的分布规律。结果表明,在无风条件下,四旋翼无人机对荔枝树施药的最优作业参数为:亩用液量2.0 L、作业高度2.0 m、作业速度4.0 m/s。影响雾滴沉积密度和覆盖率的主要因素是亩用液量,其次是作业高度、作业速度;对雾滴沉积穿透性影响作用从大到小依次为作业高度>亩用液量>作业速度,当作业高度为2.0 m 时雾滴沉积穿透性最好。本文根据四旋翼植保无人机喷雾在荔枝冠层的雾滴沉积分布情况,对植保无人机的作业参数进行了优选,其结果将有利于确保无人机施药雾滴在荔枝树冠层的高效沉积分布。
      To explore the effect of its operating parameters on droplets deposition distribution in litchi canopy, adopted the Quad-rotor plant protection unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV). In this study, spray test on litchi with small Quad-rotor UAV was arranged by an orthogonal test with three factors (liquid volume per mu, operation height and operation velocity). The droplets deposition distribution was analyzed by image processing software (DepositScan). The results indicated that, the optimum operating parameters of the spraying operation on litchi trees with quad-rotor UAV are as following: the liquid volume per mu is 2.0 L, the operating height is 2.0 m and the operating speed is 4 m/s. By analyzing the deposition density of droplets, the droplet coverage ratio and the penetration of droplets, it was found that, the most important factor that affected the deposition density and droplets deposition was the liquid volume per mu, followed by the operating height and operating speed. When the operating height was 2.0 m, the strongest penetrability of droplets was achieved. In addition, the effect of different operation parameters on the penetration of droplet deposition is also different. The order from large to small is as follows: operation height, liquid volume per mu, and operation speed. In our current study, taking into account the wind field of UAV rotor and the unique structure of litchi trees body, the operating parameters of plant protection UAV were optimized to ensure effective deposition and distribution of droplets in litchi canopy from aerial spraying. The results will be of great significance for strengthening the effective chemical control of diseases and pest control of litchi trees to ensure high yield, guiding the safe and efficient operation of UAV on fruit tree and realizing the efficient application of pesticide.
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