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张怀江,孙丽娜,闫文涛,岳 强,仇贵生.短时高温胁迫对桃小食心虫成虫存活和生殖的影响[J].中国南方果树,2020,49(4):
Impact of short-time high temperature on adult survival and fecundity of peach fruit borer ,Carposina sasakii Matsmur
投稿时间:2020-03-05  修订日期:2020-04-24
中文关键词:  桃小食心虫  高温胁迫  存活  生殖
英文关键词:Carposina sasakii Matsmur  heat stress  survival  reproduction
张怀江 中国农业科学院果树研究所 
孙丽娜 中国农业科学院果树研究所 
闫文涛 中国农业科学院果树研究所 
岳 强 中国农业科学院果树研究所 
仇贵生* 中国农业科学院果树研究所 
摘要点击次数: 1924
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      在短期高温频发的大背景下,研究了短时高温胁迫对桃小食心虫(Carposina sasakii Matsmur)成虫存活和生殖的影响。结果表明,高温胁迫会导致成虫的寿命的缩短,43℃处理3h后桃小食心虫的存活率为0%;随着温度的升高,成虫的产卵量呈现下降的趋势。而不同胁迫时间的结果表明,29℃的处理下3h较1h的产卵量下降29.2%;高于32℃时,随着温度胁迫时间的延长,产卵量有明显的上升;卵的孵化率方面,38℃胁迫1h及35℃以下的高温处理下,F1代卵孵化率均在85%以上,在经过38℃3h、41℃3h和43℃1h的温度处理后,卵的孵化率下降到75%以下。特定年龄存活率(lx)随着胁迫温度的升高时间的延长,平台期逐渐缩短,高于35℃后,平台期消失。特定年龄生殖力(mx)曲线分析表明,随着高温胁迫时间延长,产卵高峰期推迟。本研究结果表明,夏季的35℃以上的高温对桃小食心虫种群有极其不利的影响。
      Abstract:【Objective】This study aims to explore the viability and reproduction of peach fruit borer ,Carposina sasakii Matsmur under the background of global warming,The result can provide a theoretical basis to research the population dynamicsunder of peach fruit borer under the new climatic conditions. 【Method】The C. sasakii were collected from the orchard of Institute of Pomology, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences,and reared continuously in the lab. The insects were reared on golden delicious and held on the laboratory condition of 25±1℃, RH70±5% and a photoperiod L16:D8h .Select the moth of 1 day age and without mating as testing target. 10 adults (male:female=1:1) collected in a glass jar (14cm in diameret and 20cm in height) .All of the testing targets were put in the light incubator for heating treatment at the target temperature (32℃,35℃,38℃,41℃ and 43℃) for different time durations (1h and 3h). Each treatment was repeated five times at least,25℃ served as control. After stress the adults were reared with the normal breeding conditions.The survival and oviposition were observed every day until the adult died.Data was analyzed by one-way analysis of variance(ANOVA) and Duncan multiple range test (DMRT,P<0.05) using SPSS 21.0 software.【Result】This study investigated the effects of short-time high temperature on survival and on reporduvtive parameters of C. sasakii.The mean adult longevity decreased rapidly with the temperature higher than 32℃. All of the adults were killed under 43℃ treatment for 3 hours.High temperature had a significant effect on fecundity of adult.For example,if the treatment temperature raised from 25℃ to 43℃(32℃,35℃,38℃,41℃ and 43℃),the fecundity is 1160,647,631,479.8,286.2 and 381.4 respectively.No eggs oviposited by adult of the C. sasakii exposed to 32℃,35℃,38℃ and 41℃ for 3 hours, the fecundity is increased else.The oviposition of 32℃,35℃,38℃ and 41℃ is 860.6,719.8,797 and 579.4 respectivelv,but there is no significant difference(p<0.05). High temperature had a significant effect on hatchability of eggs.If the treat temperature is lower than 35℃,the hatchability of eggs is more than 85%,and there is no significant difference between treatment and control(p<0.05).When the treatment is 38℃ for 3hours,41℃for 3 hours and 43℃1 hours, the hatchability of eggs is less than 75%, there is significant difference between treatment and control(p<0.05). After short-time high temperature stress, the age-specific survival rate (lx) and age-specific fecundity (mx)shown a declining trend. lx can be divided into two type by 35℃ treatment.In less than 35℃ heat shock,there is a plateau duration. With the raising of temperature,the plateau duration became shorten until disappeared finally.The age-specific fecundity(mx) curve showed that the short-time heat stress made the oviposition summit delayed about two days. 【Conciusion】The longevity and oviposition dropped under short-time heat stress condition and the degree became even serious with the raising of treatment temperature and extension of treatment time. The exposure to heat stress had harmful effect on survival and fecundity of the peach fruit borer. If the treatment is higher than 35℃, the hatchability of eggs will drop else.This suggested that the population of the C. sasakii could be distinctly inhibited by hot summer climate.
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