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Breeding of a new variety of
投稿时间:2020-03-12  修订日期:2020-03-12
中文关键词:    新品种  巫山脆李  品种选育
英文关键词:plum  new variety  Wushan Crisp Plum  variety selection
熊伟 重庆市农业技术推广总站 
黄明* 巫山县果品产业发展中心 
曾明 西南大学园艺园林学院 
寇琳羚 重庆市农业技术推广总站 
孔文斌 重庆市农业技术推广总站 
张勋 巫山县果品产业发展中心 
唐君 巫山县果品产业发展中心 
向芳 巫溪县经济作物技术推广站 
何涛 渝北区经济作物技术推广站 
摘要点击次数: 1892
全文下载次数: 2214
      ‘巫山脆李’是由巫山县果品产业发展中心、西南大学和重庆市农业技术推广总站等单位从地方青脆李‘江安大白李’自然芽变植株中选育出的果型端庄、肉质脆嫩、离核味甜青脆李新品种,先后获全国优质李杏评选金奖第一名和“三峡杯”优质脆李评选“果王”等称号,在西南地区推广50万亩。该品种树势强健,生长快,在重庆三峡库区沿江区域7月上中旬成熟,果实卵球形,果顶略凹,中等大小,平均纵径3.3cm、横径4.0cm,平均单果重37.2g,果柄长1.5cm、粗0.1cm。果皮底色绿色至绿黄色,皮中等厚,果点明显,果粉厚,白色。果肉浅黄色,肉质致密,纤维短,汁多味香,脆嫩,纯甜适口。可溶性固形物含量12%~15%,可滴定酸0.43%~0.72%,Vc含量6.12 mg/100g~8.99mg/100g,果核小,离核,呈扁圆形,果实可食率达94.8%~96.88%。无明显采前裂果和果内流胶,中熟,丰产,果实硬熟时肉质松脆,但软熟后出现肉变粉质、硬度下降现象,常温下不耐贮运。耐高温高湿和寡日照气候,适应性好、适宜在长江上游海拔180m~1000m区域发展。
      Abstract: 'Wushan Crisp Plum' is a novel green Crisp Plum variety, with an elegant fruit type, crisp flesh and sweet taste. It was selected and bred from the natural bud mutation plants of local green crisp plum 'Jiang'an Dabai Plum' by Wushan fruit industry development center, Southwest University and Chongqing Agricultural Technology Extension Station. 'Wushan Crisp Plum' has won the first prize in the National high quality plum and apricot Award, and the “King of Fruits” title in the "Three Gorges Cup" high-quality Crisp Plum Contest, and has been promoted for planting in over 500000 acres in Southwest China. The tree is sturdy and fast growing, mature by early to mid-July in the riverside area of Chongqing Three Gorges Reservoir area. The fruit shape of 'Wushan Crisp Plum' is medium-size ovoid with a slightly concaved top, its average longitudinal diameter and transverse diameter is 3.3cm and 4.0cm, the stem length of 1.5cm and a diameter of 0.1cm, the average single fruit weight is 37.2g. The undertone of the fruit’s peel is green to green yellow, and it is medium thick, with obvious fruit spots and thick white fruit powder. The flesh of the fruit has a light yellow color, and is dense, short fiber, juicy and fragrant, crisp and tender, pure sweet and palatable. The average of the fruit’s content has: 12% - 15% of soluble solid, 0.43% - 0.72% of titratable acid, 6.12 mg / 100g-8.99mg/100g of the VC, and the fruit core is small, detached, and oblate, hence the edible rate of the fruit is 94.8% - 96.88%. As for the harvesting and storing, there was no obvious pre harvest cracking and internal gum flow, the maturity period is in the middle with a high yield. The flesh was crisp when the fruit was hard, but the flesh turned to powder and the hardness decreased after soft ripening. It was not resistant to storage and transportation at room temperature. The plant of 'Wushan Crisp Plum' can withstand high temperature, high humidity and lack of sunshine, and has a good adaptability, hence it is suitable for planting in the region with an 180m-1000m altitude in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River.
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