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Studyon the relationship between the harmful degree of banana root knot nematode and the occurrence of Fusarium wilt disease
投稿时间:2020-04-23  修订日期:2020-07-11
中文关键词:  枯萎病  根结线虫  相关性
英文关键词:Fusarium wilt disease  Root knot nematode  Correlation
基金项目:国家香蕉产业技术体系红河综合试验站(CARS-31-22); 云南省重点研发项目“云南主要农作物重大有害生物监测、灾变规律及防控机制 编号:2018BB016)第一
尹可锁* 云南省农业科学院农业环境资源研究所 
郑泗军 云南省农业科学院农业环境资源研究所 
李迅东 云南省农业科学院农业环境资源研究所 
杨宝明 云南省农业科学院农业环境资源研究所 
李永平 云南省农业科学院农业环境资源研究所 
徐胜涛 云南省农业科学院农业环境资源研究所 
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      为探明香蕉根结线虫(Root-knot nematode)与香蕉枯萎病(Banana Fusarium wilt disease)发生的相关性。 本研究在云南香蕉生产区调查了20个蕉园的根结线虫危害程度和枯萎病发病率,并分别在1个蕉园,对5个品种及植株不同生育期进行连续跟踪调查。结果表明:枯萎病发病率与根结线虫危害程度有相关性。蕉园中枯萎病发病率最高的为35.8%,其根结线虫危害程度为2.7;枯萎病发病率最低的为2.5%,其根结线虫危害程度为0.8。两者的相关性方程为y=0.079x+0.346,相关系数为R=0.898;不同品种中感病品种“巴西”的枯萎病发病率最高,为61.8%;其根结线虫危害程度也是最高的,为2.1;抗病野生种“Pahang”未发现有枯萎病发生,其根结线虫危害程度也是最低的,为0.2。两者的相关性方程为y=0.029x+0.456,相关系数为R=0.923。不同生育期,从苗期到套袋期,枯萎病发病率和根结线虫危害程度的趋势是一致的,逐渐升高,套袋期达最高。结论:枯萎病发病率与根结线虫危害程度呈正相关。
      In order to find out the relationship between root knot nematode and Fusarium wilt disease, the harmful degree of root knot and incidence of Fusarium wilt disease were investigated in twenty different banana plantations. and surveyed the incedence with five varieties and different stages in one plantation.The results showed that there was correlation between the incidence of Fusarium wilt disease and the harmful degree of root knot nematode.The incidence increases with the harmful degree of harm.In twenty different banana plantations, the highest incidence of Fusarium wilt disease was 35.8%, and the harmful degree of root knot nematode was 2.7 in this plantation; the lowest incidence was 2.5%, and the harmful degree was 0.8 in this plantation. The relevant equation between them is y = 0.079x + 0.346, and the correlation coefficient is R = 0.898. Among five varieties, the variety of was susceptible to Fusarium oxysporum, has the highest incidence of Fusarium wilt disease, was 61.8%.the harmful degree of root knot nematode is also the highest, was 2.1. the resistant variety of plants infected with Fusarium oxysporum, and its degree of root knot nematode was the lowest, was 0.2. The relevant equation was y = 0.029x + 0.456, and the correlation coefficient was R = 0.923. In different growth stages of three varieties from seedling stage to bagging stage, there are the same developing trend of the incidence of Fusarium wilt disease and the harmful degree of root knot nematode, which increased gradually, and was the highest on bagging stage.The results showed that the incidence rate of Fusarium wilt disease was positively correlated with the harmful degree of root knot nematode .
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