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Sugar Accumulation Characteristics and Related Metabolic Enzyme Activities in Mango Fruits at Different Growth Stages
投稿时间:2020-08-25  修订日期:2020-11-17
中文关键词:  台农1号,生育时期,糖分积累,蔗糖代谢相关酶,淀粉
英文关键词:Tainong No. 1, growth period, sugar accumulation, sucrose metabolism related enzymes, starch
林怡* 广东生态工程职业学院 
摘要点击次数: 1623
全文下载次数: 289
      以台农1号为试验材料,在生长过程中测定果实可溶性糖、淀粉含量和蔗糖相关代谢酶及淀粉酶活性,并分析糖组分与果实形态和糖组分与酶活性间的相关性。结果显示:(1)台农1号果实生长呈单“S”型曲线,完熟时纵横经和单果重净增长量分别为5.46 cm、11.45 cm和212.95 g,果实发育前期以积累淀粉为主,葡萄糖和果糖次之,果实完熟后淀粉迅速分解,蔗糖积累量增加,果实形态与可溶性糖含量均呈显著或极显著高度正相关关系。(2)果实中性转化酶和蔗糖合成酶活性较低且变化趋势平缓,酸性转化酶在整个生育时期较活跃,活性呈先增加后降低趋势,采收时活性最强,蔗糖磷酸合成酶在生育前期活性较低,采收时活性迅速增加后略有降低,淀粉酶先迅速升高后逐渐降低。(3)可溶性糖含量与酸性转化酶和蔗糖磷酸合成酶及蔗糖合成酶活性相关性较强,但淀粉与以上酶相关性弱,与淀粉酶活性呈显著正相关。综上,芒果生育前期以积累淀粉为主,成熟时淀粉逐渐分解,可溶性糖含量增加,酸性转化酶和蔗糖磷酸合成酶是糖积累的关键酶。
      Take Tainong No. 1 mango as the test material, measured and analyzed the soluble sugar content, starch content and sucrose-related metabolic enzymes activities and amylase activities of the fruit the growth process, and the correlation between sugar component and fruit morphology and sugar component and enzyme activity. The results shows: (1)The fruit growth curve shows a single "S" shape, when the fruit is ripe, the net increase of vertical length, horizontal length and single fruit weight are 5.46 cm, 11.45 cm and 212.95 g, respectively. In the fruit early stage development is mainly accumulate of starch, followed by glucose and fructose, starch decomposes rapidly after the fruit is ripe, and the accumulation of sucrose increases. Besides, fruit morphology and soluble sugar content are significantly or extremely significantly highly positively correlated. (2)fruit neutral invertase and sucrose synthase activities are low and the change trend is gentle,but acid invertase is more active throughout the growth period. AI activities increases first and then decreases, the activities is highest during harvest. Sucrose phosphate synthase activities is low in the early stage of growth, and the activity increases rapidly during harvest and then slightly decreases. Amylase is in the form of a rapid increase first and then a gradual decrease. (3)The content of soluble sugar has a strong correlation with acid invertase, sucrose phosphate synthase and sucrose synthase. However, starch has a weak correlation with the above three enzymes, and has a significant positive correlation with amylase activity. In summary, mangoes mainly accumulate starch in the early stage of growth. Starch is gradually decomposed during maturity, and the soluble sugar content increases. Acid invertase and sucrose phosphate synthase are the key enzymes for sugar accumulation.
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