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Investigation and preliminary rule study on factors affecting guanxi Honey pomelo
投稿时间:2020-09-16  修订日期:2021-01-19
中文关键词:  蜜柚  裂果  钙肥  灌溉
英文关键词:Honey pomelo  Fruit cracking  Calcium fertilizer  Irrigate
张青 福建省农业科学院土壤肥料研究所 
孔庆波* 福建省农业科学院土壤肥料研究所 
栗方亮 福建省农业科学院土壤肥料研究所 
摘要点击次数: 1694
全文下载次数: 338
      摘要: 【目的】平和县以琯溪蜜柚为主栽品种的蜜柚园发展迅速,摸清该地区蜜柚裂果的影响因素至关重要,但气候自然条件等因素人为难以改变,因此探索该地区蜜柚裂果在水肥养分供给、栽培过程中存在的问题,可为有效降低蜜柚裂果提供理论及技术支撑。【方法】蜜柚作为多年生植物,仅通过实验确定裂果影响因素,实验周期长,过程复杂。本次调查在前期施肥数据挖掘和大样本调查分析的基础上,通过对平和292个有效调查蜜柚果园的挂果量、水分供给及养分管理等情况进行调查分析,以期为提出通过人为可控因素降低琯溪蜜柚裂果的水肥管理提供科学依据。【结果】调查结果表明,1)海拔高度越高有利于减轻裂果,挂果量的增加使裂果加剧,高挂果量比低量Ⅲ类裂果增加30%左右;2)裸地栽培会使蜜柚果园裂果程度加重,所占比例高达53.93%。3)土壤质地为砂土和土地利用方式为坡地时,Ⅲ类裂果现象较多,分别占50.00%和47.41%,较黏土和低洼地增加了17.9%和11.22%。4)随着灌溉次数的增多,蜜柚裂果程度逐渐减小,灌溉少量多次比浇灌0次和1-2次Ⅲ类裂果分别低出37.04%和12.20%;5)随着产量水平的提高,Ⅲ类裂果由28.87%增加至60.82%;6)高肥使用量比低量Ⅲ类裂果增加26.90%,其中膨果期NPK高比例影响更为明显;7)钙肥高量到低量时Ⅲ类裂果由29.49%变化到50.79%,其中增加水溶性钙肥和在膨果期施肥能减轻蜜柚裂果。【结论】综合分析,水肥管理是影响琯溪蜜柚裂果的重要因素,可通过人为干预改善水肥条件,从而有效缓解裂果程度,积极推广节水措施,在干旱时能调节水分供应;因地制宜调整肥料结构,增加水溶钙肥,合理选择水溶钙肥各时期比例及形态;果园春夏秋免耕留草或杂草、地膜覆盖,保持土壤湿润。
      Abstract: 【Objective】Guanxi pomelo is the main cultivar in Pinghe county. To find out the cultivation and management problems among water and nutrients supply of cracked fruit, and providing theoretical and technical support for reducing the cracked fruit effectively. 【Methods】The fruiting capacity, water supply, planting altitude and nutrient management of Pinghe 292 honey pomelo orchards were investigated and analyzed for providing scientific basis water and fertilizer management for reducing fruit cracking. 【Results】The survey results show that: 1) The higher the altitude the lower cracking fruit, the more fruit hanging the more fruit cracking and the amount of high-hanging fruit will increase by about 30% compared with the low-grade III class cracking.2) Bare land cultivation will increase the degree of fruit cracking in honey pomelo orchards accounting for 53.93%. 3) The phenomenon of III class cracking is more serious when the soil texture is sandy soil and the land use type is slope fields, accounting for 50.00% and 47.41% respectively, which increases by 17.9% and 11.22% compared with clay and low-lying land. 4) As increasing irrigation times, the degree of fruit cracking of honey pomelo was gradually reduced, which was 37.04% and 12.20% lower than that of watering 0 times and 1-2 times respectively.5) With the increase of yield level, III class cracking fruit increased from 28.87% to 60.82%; 6) The amount of III class cracking fruit in high-fertilizer was 26.90% higher than that of low, and the effect of high NPK proportion in the fruit expansion period shown more significant. 7) When the amount of calcium fertilizer change from high to low, the III class cracking fruit changes from 29.49% to 50.79%, while the increase of water-soluble calcium fertilizer and fertilization during the fruit expansion period can reduce the cracking of honey pomelo.【Conclusion】Comprehensive analysis, water and fertilizer management are two important factors that affect the fruit cracking of Guanxi honey pomelo, in order to reduce this, actively promote water conservation measures, adjust water supply during drought, adjust fertilizer structure according to local conditions, increase calcium fertilizer and make it more reasonable. The proportion and shape of calcium fertilizers were selected in each period; the orchards were kept in the spring, summer and autumn without grasses or weeds, and covered with plastic film to keep the soil moist.
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