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王 红 林.外源NO处理对百香果采后贮藏品质的影响[J].中国南方果树,2021,50(5):
Study on the effect of postharharvest quality of passion fruit under exogenous nitric#$NBSoxide treatment
投稿时间:2020-10-28  修订日期:2020-12-21
中文关键词:  外源NO  采后贮藏  果实品质  百香果
英文关键词:exogenous nitric oxide  post-harvest  quality  passion fruit
基金项目:贵州省农业科学院青年科技[黔农科院青年基金[2018]66]; 中央引导地方科技发展专项资金项目[黔科中引地[2018]4002号]; 贵州省人才基地建设项目[黔人领发[2018]3号]; 贵州省科技计划项目[黔科合服企[2019]4002]; 贵州省科技支撑计划项目[黔科合支撑[2017]2570-1].
王 红 林* 贵州省农业科学院果树科学研究所 贵阳 550006 
摘要点击次数: 1677
全文下载次数: 319
      以百香果‘紫香1号’为材料,以不作任何处理的百香果为空白对照,研究外源一氧化氮(处理浓度为0 μmol/L, 50 μmol/L, 100 μmol/L 和 200 μmol/L)处理对百香果贮藏期间色度、失重率、腐烂率,以及维生素C、可溶性糖、可溶性蛋白质、类黄酮和总酚物质等含量变化的影响。结果显示,低浓度外源NO处理延缓了百香果采后果皮亮度(L值)和红绿值(a值)的降低,而高浓度(200 μmol/L)处理则加快了L、a值的降低速率,外源NO处理能使黄蓝值(b值)维持在较稳定的水平;随着贮藏时间的延长,对照组百香果的失重率和皱缩指数上升最快,在贮藏第16天时达到最高,分别为3.40%、3.83,100 μmol/L外源NO浓度下的失重率、皱缩指数变化最为缓慢,在贮藏第16天时失重率仅为1.99%,皱缩指数为1.33;贮藏初期百香果固酸比、糖酸比分别为6.63、7.18,在贮藏第16天时,对照组固酸比、糖酸比均明显降低,分别为4.95和1.63,而100 μmol/L外源NO浓度下的值在第16天时为6.03和3.22,高于其他浓度下的值;贮藏初期VC含量为19.41mg/100g FW,随着贮藏时间的延长,0 μmol/L浓度下的VC含量降幅最大,在第16天时含量仅为15.42mg/100g FW,50 μmol/L浓度下的VC含量降幅最小,在第16天时为17.56mg/100g FW;各处理条件下的可溶性蛋白质含量随着时间的延长也有所降低,对照组下降最为明显,在第16天时已降至0.08mg/g FW,100 μmol/L浓度下的含量下降最慢,第16天时为0.28mg/g FW,略低于初始值(0.32mg/g FW);对照组总酚含量在贮藏第16天时达到最高,为1053.73 μg/g FW,且高于外源NO处理下的值;各处理条件下百香果类黄酮含量均在第12天达到峰值,对照组为1431.59μg/g FW,略高于0 μmol/L浓度下的值,但显著低于其他外源NO浓度下的含量。表明,外源NO处理在一定程度上延缓了百香果采后贮藏期间L、a、b值的降低,延缓了失重率、腐烂率的增加,降低了皱缩指数和腐坏指数,延迟了固酸比的降低,使贮藏后期糖酸比维持在较稳定水平,有效延缓了百香果采后维生素C及可溶性蛋白质含量的降低,在一定程度上促进了总酚和类黄酮含量的增加。且与其他处理浓度比较,100 μmol/L处理浓度更有利于百香果采后贮藏品质的维持。
      Taking?the passion fruit without any treatment as the blank control, the appearance quality, such as chroma, weight loss, incidence, and the changes of nutrients, including vitamin C, soluble sugar, soluble protein, flavonoids and polyphenols in passion fruit, was investigated under different exogenous nitric oxide concentration (0 μmol/L, 50 μmol/L, 100 μmol/L and 200 μmol/L). It revealed that,Low concentration of exogenous NO treatment delayed the reduction of L and a value, while high concentration (200 μmol/L) accelerated the reduction of them. And exogenous NO treatment could keep the b value at a relatively stable level. With the extension of the storage time, the weight loss and shrinkage index of the control went up fastest and reached the highest at the 16th day, which were 3.40% and 3.83 respectively. However, the values in the 100 μmol/L concentration changed the most slowly, only 1.99% and 1.33. At the early stage of storage, the solid-acid ratio and the sugar-acid ratio were 6.63 and 7.18. At the 16th day, the values were significantly decreased to 4.95 and 1.63 in control group, however it changed slowly under 100 μmol/L (6.03 and 3.22) at the same storage time. The content of VC was 19.41 mg/100g FW at the early stage. It decreased mostly under 0 μmol/L condition, which was only 15.42 mg/100g FW at the 16th day. Whereas, it was 17.56 mg/100g FW under 50 μmol/L NO treatment. Besides, the soluble protein content in all treatment were also lessened, the most obvious decrease was found in the control, which dropped to 0.08mg/g FW in the end, while the lowest decrease was found at 100 μmol/L concentration, which was 0.28 mg/g FW, slightly lower than the initial value (0.32 mg/g FW). Moreover, the total phenol content in the control reached 1053.73 μg/g FW, which higher than that under the treatment of exogenous NO. The flavonoids content reached its peak on the 12th day in all treatment. And it in the control was 1431.59 μg/g FW, slightly higher than that at 0 μmol/L concentration, but significantly lower than that at other concentrations. During the postharvest storage, exogenous NO processing could delay the decrease of L, a, b and the increase of weight loss and rot rate, reduce the shrinkage and decay index, prevent the solid-acid ratio, the content of vitamin C and soluble protein reduction, also promote the phenol and flavonoids content increased. Futhermore, compared with other concentration, treated by 100 μmol/L was more beneficial to maintain the post-harvest quality of passion fruit.
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