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Investigation on factors affecting ‘Guanxi pomelo'' fruits juice granulation, water and fertilizer and preliminary study on its occurrence rule
投稿时间:2020-11-03  修订日期:2021-01-19
中文关键词:  琯溪蜜柚,汁胞粒化,单果重,挂果量
英文关键词:‘Guanxi pomelo'' fruits, granular juice, single fruit weight, the amount of hanging fruit
孔庆波 福建省农业科学院土壤肥料研究所 
张青* 福建省农业科学院土壤肥料研究所 
栗方亮 福建省农业科学院土壤肥料研究所 
摘要点击次数: 1624
全文下载次数: 268
      摘要:【目的】蜜柚的粒化严重影响了蜜柚的食用品质和商品价值,为了降低琯溪蜜柚的粒化程度,提高蜜柚的经济价值摸清蜜柚粒化的影响因素至关重要。【方法】蜜柚作为多年生植物,仅通过田间试验确定粒化影响因素,试验周期长,过程复杂。本次调查对240户有效果园采摘样本的单果重、生长状况、施肥情况等因素大数据进行分析挖掘,以期为提出降低琯溪蜜柚的汁胞粒化的养分管理、种植模式提供科学的依据。【结果】1)合理协调好单果重和挂果量之间的关系可有效降低粒化程度。调查结果表明,挂果量多有利于减轻粒化,单果重的增加使粒化加剧,单果重超过1.5kg比低于1.3kg Ⅲ类粒化增加30%左右;且随着树龄的增大,果树粒化程度先减小后增大,幼龄和高龄果树比适龄果树Ⅲ类粒化分别高出24.97%和24.02%;2)高量使用氮磷钾化肥或氮肥均比其低量Ⅲ类粒化增加25%左右,其中在膨果期高量使用氮磷钾化肥和硝态氮Ⅲ类粒化率分别可达23.68%和20.21%;氮磷钾化肥在蜜柚各生长时期的协调配比施肥;3)延迟采摘也将使得粒化加剧,相对早采其Ⅲ类粒化率增加了约15%;4)有机肥使用量增加粒化程度降低,其中有机态氮磷钾使用量从高量到低量,Ⅲ类粒化由8.65%增加到25.00%;5)海拔、品种等其它影响因素也会对蜜柚粒化造成一定的影响,其中随着海拔高度的增大,Ⅲ类粒化可由20.86%降低至13.56%;且白肉与黄肉相对红肉蜜柚品种粒化程度有所缓解。【结论】综合分析,单果重、施肥状况、树龄是影响琯溪蜜柚粒化的重要因素,为减轻粒化程度,建议应根据种植区域和果树树龄等特点,因地制宜调整肥料结构及各时期施肥配比,降低氮肥比例,增加有机肥,在蜜柚膨果期适当减少氮磷钾化肥及硝态氮的使用;同时调整挂果量、控制单果重量,选择适当的采果时间。
      Abstract: 【Objective】The pelletizing of ''Guanxi pomelo'' seriously affects its edible quality and commodity value. In order to reduce the pelletizing degree of pomelo in guxi, it is crucial to improve its economic value and understand the influencing factors of pelletizing.【Methods】As a perennial, the influencing factors of ''Guanxi pomelo'' granulation were determined only by field experiments, with a long test period and complicated process. This survey analyzes and excavates the big data of single fruit weight, growth status, fertilization and other factors of the harvest samples of 240 effective orchards, in order to provide a scientific basis for the nutrient management and planting mode of reducing the cytology of ''Guanxi pomelo''.【Results】1) Reasonable coordination of the relationship between the weight of single fruit and the amount of hanging fruit can effectively reduce the degree of granulation. Survey results show that GuaGuo quantities is beneficial to reduce the graining, the increase in weight of graining, single fruit weighs more than 1.5 kg less than 1.3 kg class-III granulating increases about 30%; And with the increase of tree age, fruit trees graining degree increase with the decrease of the first, the young and old trees than school-age fruit class-III graining is higher than 24.97% and 24.02% respectively; 2) high use of NPK fertilizers or nitrogen amount is lower than its class-III granulating increases about 25%, of which the bentonite fruiting high use of NPK fertilizers and nitrate class-III granulating rate can reach 23.68% and 20.21% respectively; Nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium fertilizer at different growth stages of pomelo coordination ratio of fertilization; 3) delay picking will make granulating, relatively early in its class-III graining rate increased by about 15%;4) organic fertilizer usage increased granulation degree is reduced, the state organic NPK usage from high to low volume, class-III granulating increased from 8.65% to 25.00%; 5) above sea level, variety, and other factors will cause certain influence to sweet pomelos graining, among them, with the increase of altitude class-III granulating can reduce by 20.86% to 13.56%; The granulation degree of white meat and yellow meat was relieved compared with that of red meat and honey grapefruit.【Conclusion】Comprehensive analysis of tree fruit weight, fertilization conditions, is an important factor affecting pomelo graining, for reducing the level of graining advised according to the characteristics of tree planting area and fruit trees, adjust measures to local conditions adjust the structure of fertilizer and fertilizer proportion of each period, reduce nitrogen ratio, increasing organic fertilizer, in because of fruiting appropriate to reduce the use of NPK fertilizers and nitrate nitrogen; At the same time, adjust the amount of hanging fruit, control the weight of single fruit, select the appropriate time to pick fruit.
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