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Nutrition and health care components and utilization value of petals of Rosa roxburghii Tratt.
投稿时间:2020-11-05  修订日期:2020-12-18
中文关键词:  刺梨  花瓣  营养成分  利用价值  评价
英文关键词:Rosa roxburghii  petals  nutritional composition  utilization value  evaluation
刘雨婷 贵州大学.国家林业和草原局刺梨工程技术研究中心 
樊卫国* 贵州大学.国家林业和草原局刺梨工程技术研究中心 
摘要点击次数: 1706
全文下载次数: 335
      To study the nutrition, health care and utilization value of Rosa roxburghii petals, to provide a scientific basis for development and utilization of the flowers of Rosa roxburghii. In this study, the contents of nutrients and healthcare components in R. roxburghii ‘Guinong 5’ petals cultivated in Anlong, Longli, and Guiding districts in Guizhou were determined and analyzed to provide a scientific basis for the development and utilization of R. roxburghii petals. The contents in every 100 g of dried petals had VC, 622.62 mg; VE, 28.62 mg; VB1, 0.16mg; VB2, 0.12 mg; VB12 0.07mg; total soluble sugar, 22.71 g; crude protein, 7.80 g; total dietar?y fiber, 33.65 g; total phenols, 3181.17 mg; total flavonoids, 200.06 mg; and anthocyanins, 179.97 mg. The petals were rich in Fe and Zn elements, whose contents were 120.33 and 68.86 mg/kg, respectively. A total of 18 protein amino acids were found in the dried petals of R. roxburghii, including 9 essential amino acids. In addition, 15 free amino acids were found in the dried petals of R. roxburghii, including 7 essential amino acids. The VC content of the petals of R. roxburghii was 10.9 times that of Rosa rugosa, 4.98 times that of Sophora japonica, and 14.9 times that of Hemerocallis citrina Baroni, while its VE content was 2.19 times that of Hemerocallis citrina Baroni. These petals had complete essential amino acid species, and they satisfied the requirements of high-quality protein. The soluble dietary fiber in these petals accounted for 11.20% of the total dietary fiber, which satisfied the requirements of high-quality dietary fiber. The petals of R. roxburghii had abundant nutrients and healthcare components suitable for the development of nutritious and healthcare foods.
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