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Study on fruit quality changes and fruit granulation control technology of late maturing navel orange at different altitudes in Three Gorges Reservoir area of Hubei Province
投稿时间:2020-11-12  修订日期:2021-01-06
中文关键词:  晚熟脐橙  采前果实枯水  品质  种植海拔区域布局  枯水防控
英文关键词:late maturing navel orange  fruit granulation before harvest  fruit quality  regional distribution of planting altitude  fruit granulation control
吴黎明* 湖北省农业科学院果树茶叶研究所 
何利刚 湖北省农业科学院果树茶叶研究所 
王志静 湖北省农业科学院果树茶叶研究所 
宋放 湖北省农业科学院果树茶叶研究所 
王策 湖北省农业科学院果树茶叶研究所 
蒋迎春 湖北省农业科学院果树茶叶研究所 
刘继红 华中农业大学 
彭抒昂 华中农业大学 
吴述勇 秭归县农业农村局 
廖胜才 秭归县农业农村局 
向进 秭归县农业农村局 
摘要点击次数: 2130
全文下载次数: 2536
      以湖北三峡库区秭归地区不同海拔伦晚脐橙(Citrus sinensis Osbeck ‘Lane late’ Navel)果实为试验材料,探讨了湖北三峡库区晚熟脐橙果实枯水防控栽培技术,进行了晚熟脐橙种植区域布局研究,结果表明,在湖北三峡库区,江南晚熟脐橙适宜区域化种植在海拔360 m以下,江北在海拔350 m以下。在适宜范围外,随海拔升高,晚熟脐橙果实品质下降,可食率、果汁率降低,酸下降快,化渣性变差,果实枯水加重。其次,探讨了晚熟脐橙果实枯水防控生产技术,冬季套袋试验效果好,果实枯水比率控制在5%以下,显著低于对照果实(枯水率50%),可有效减轻和防止晚熟脐橙果实枯水,而且套袋果实外观好,品质优。覆膜技术效果其次,果实枯水比率可以控制在20%以下,而且该技术简便、劳动量小且成本较低,可以在生产中应用。
      Taking the fruits of lanelate navel orange at different altitudes in Zigui area of Three Gorges Reservoir Area as experimental materials, the cultivation techniques of late maturing navel orange in Hubei Three Gorges Reservoir area were discussed, and the planting the regional distribution of late maturing navel orange was studied. The results showed that in the three Gorges Reservoir area of Hubei, the suitable regional planting area of late maturing navel orange in south of the Yangtze River was below 360 meters, and that of north of the Yangtze River was below 350 meters. Outside the suitable range, with the increase of altitude, the quality of late maturing navel orange fruit decreased, the edible rate and juice rate decreased, the acid decreased rapidly, the slagging ability was poor, and the fruit granulation aggravated. Secondly, the production technology of late maturing navel orange fruit granulation prevention and control was studied. The effect of bagging experiment in winter was good. The fruit granulation rate was controlled below 5%, which was significantly lower than that of the control fruit (50%). It can effectively reduce and prevent the late maturing navel orange fruit from granulation, and the bagged fruit has good appearance and good quality. The effect of film mulching technology is the second, the fruit granulation ratio of fruit can be controlled below 20%, and the technology is simple, labor is small and the cost is low, so it can be applied in production.
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